Chapter 48

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Jung Ra In's POV

"School" today i have to reveal part of myself.

I gotten dressed up into my nice fit uniform and i threw away the previous old baggy ones.

Wore my black contacts.

Tied my hair into a messy bun nice bun and wore a pink bennie to not show my hair colour. I'm still quiet afraid.

And grabbed a black bomber jacket wearing it over.

Carried my back wore my shoes and left for school.


"Who is she?"

"She's hot"

"Ommo is that Ra In?"

"No way is she Ra In right?"

"I wanna ask her out"

"Such a whore"

"I'm so jealous"

There were so many comments about me, some mean but some are nice.

I arrived at class with all eyes set on me mainly boys. Some girls were admiring me and some were just jealous.

Suddenly there was this loud screaming outside the class room, looks like Taehyung and the others are here.

I'm not ready yet.

They entered the class, OMAGOD. Their hair, Jimin went black, Jungkook went brown and Taehyung, RED?!?!?

"Damn it,my hair is just getting too much attention" i heard taehyung mumble.

"Where is Ra In?" Taehyung asked.

I wanted to laugh but i can't. I'm here you dummy.

"Hyung who's that new hot girls there??" Jungkook, i'm the hot girl.

"Where?!?"Jimin oppa not you too.

They were approching me and they stop infront of my table.

Ready? I stood up making them shock.

I stuck out my hand.

"Annyeonghaseyo my name is Jung Ra In nice to meet you" i gave them a wide smile.

They were all stood frozen.

"Ah Hurry up, my hand hurts" i grumbled.

Taehyung cupped my face and squished it,then he flicked my forehead.

"Aish! It hurts you idiot!"

"Ra In it's you?" Jimin asked.

"Of course, it's me"

"What's with this?" Jungkook asked and pulled my bennie showing my Peachy Pink hair,It made them even more shook.

Taehyung then grabbed my hair tie and pulled it, my hair fell down smoothly.

"H.O.T Hot" Jungkook said.

"Ahhh snap out of it." I said in annoyance.


Time skip...


"Annyeong" i greeted

"Welcome fighter" Yoongi Oppa joked.

"Oppa! Shhh" i shush Yoongi incase i got exposed.

Technically only The BTS members know who i am. Not the whole school.

I drank two boxes of banana milk and left without the others.

While walking down the hallway. Someone grabbed my hair and pulled me into a empty class room.

"Yah!" I screamed

I was surrounded by Hyuna and her Minions.

Hyuna clicked her tongue and spoke in a high pitch voice.

"Jung Ra In , how many times have i warned you to stay away from Oppa!"

I just kept quiet.

"You seem to like punishments eh?" She spatted

Ewww dirty water dirty water.

I shove her out of the way but she grabbed me back by my hair slamming me against the wall.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her making her stumble backwards.

I swept my hair to the back and put one of my hands on my waist sighing.

"Move" i said coldly.

She seemed to be taken aback to my behaviour.

"! Get her!" She commanded.

Her minions grabbed me by each of my arms pushing me against the wall.

I glared at her, she came foward, grabbed my chin and turned it left and right.

The next thing she did was to slapped me on the left cheek.

Without her even noticing, i kicked her right below her stomach making her fall to the table.

"AHHH!" Her face looks so red despite all the white foundation she put.

She still didn't give up, she came close to my face tackling my legs not making them move.

I banged my head onto her forehead and when she stumbled i kick her below her stomach.

Then i elbowed both of her minions under their chin.

Finally i was free

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