Chapter 21

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Jung Ra In's POV

Chinese Restaurant...

We both decided to eat jjiajiangmyeon,

"Hello? Jjiajiangmyeon Two please" I said in english so that the waitress understands it.

Jjiajiangmyeon arrived

"kyaaaaa jjiajiangmyeon." We both said. It was piping hot.

Jimin oppa started slurping the noodles and I just watched him.

The noodles finally cooled down and I started eating, I was delicious.

I picked up the pickled radish but Jimin oppa snatched it away from me.

"No you have your own you finished yours" I said.

How can be finish his food so fast he still looked hungry so I gave half of my noodles to him.

We both soon finished the noodles.

"Oppa do you wanna go somewhere with me?" I said shyly

I didn't want jimin oppa to think wrong I just wanted to bring him to the shooting range that's all every time I go shooting I get pretty lonely.


Park Jimin's POV

She does shooting?

She's different from other girls who like shopping than gym and shooting


"let's goooooo" I dragged her from the arm.

Shooting range...

This place is so amazing, there were many people here.

Something is weird here it's almost like everyone knows Ra In does she come here often?

"Oppa come here" Ra In shouted.

She was all geared up, then she help me.

I entered the range and started shooting at the human target, Ra In was so focus she always hit the crucial parts of the human stand the heart,head,legs and the shoulder.

Her arms didn't even move that much when she fired the bullets.

Her expression from her eyes change from a innocent one to like a determined and fierce woman.

Who is she?

JIMIN snap out of it she is her Jung Ra In

Jung Ra In's POV

*what's wrong with me today, i feel less burdened with jimin around.

I even brought him to the shooting range that i never told anyone about.

I feel like opening up with jimin.

(A/N: differnt shooting range from yoongi's)

"Yah Ra In, Ra In hello? You there?"

I hear a faint sound calling me.

"Ouh yes?" It was jimin i was totally outta my senses.

"Shall we go?" Jimin asked.

I nodded.

I remembered my schedule, meeting boss i'll meet him later.

Now shopping i hate shopping,Should i ask jimin oppa to come along? I'm not a type of person who knows how to pick clothes

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