46 - Graduation.

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v~

People! I am graduating from high school! I am going to be an official adult. Technically. No longer a high schooler. I don't wanna be old! I don't want responsibility. I don't want to go to college and study more. But I'd also rather not deal with half of the people at my school. Who I now most likely will never see.

I look at my and smile to myself. My mom walks into the room and looks at me with a huge smile on her face.

" Although I have missed many other important events, I still get to see my daughter graduate from high school," my mom smiles.

" There are many other important events to come," I shake my head.

" And I'll make sure to see all of them," she grabs my cheeks," now let's put some make up on that face,"

I roll my eyes and follow her to go get my make up and hair done in a neat, not so fancy, cute way. I sit down on a chair as she pulls out all of her hair and make up stuff. She grabs something to keep any falling makeup from the dress. She quickly and nicely does my make up, then does my .

" That should be enough. Don't want to go over board on the make up," my mom laughs.

" I'll do my hair," I tell my mom. She nods and walks out of the room.

I decide to put my hair in a nice side braid because I am going to be putting on a cap anyway. Why do my hair all professional when it would get ruined.

" Rosemary it's almost time for you to head over," I hear my dad call from downstairs.

" I'm coming downstairs, don't worry!" I call back. I grab my phone and run downstairs. When I get downstairs, I see my mom and dad holding my cap and gown. They help me put it on and smile at me.

" My only daughter is graduating," my mom hugs me.

" Your only child is graduating," I point out.

" I always knew you were going to graduate high school with high grades," my dad smiles.

" Yes, because I am genius nerd," I roll my eyes.

" No, because I am your genius dad," he flicks my forehead.

" Let me get some photos," my mom holds up a camera. My dad and I pose for a photo then him and my mom switch around. My grandma walks into the room all dressed nicely, staring at us.

" May I take a photo with my granddaughter?" she looks at my parents.

" I'll take the photo," my mom nods. My grandma stands next to me and takes a picture with me. My mom sets a timer on the camera and we all stand together, smiling wide.

" Let's get going," my dad points to the door.

" Honey, you forgot the keys," my mom holds them up. My dad looks at my mom embarrassed and takes the keys from her hands.

" Now, let's go," My dad walks out of the house. My mom shakes her head and follows him out.

" You were right. Your mom made a good choice. She's happy with him," my grandma looks at me.

" I know," I grin, following my parents to the car. I help my grandma into the car and get in after her. We drive to the building holding the graduation and look for a parking spot in the large, crowded parking lot. When we do find one, I quickly get out.

" See you when you're on stage," my dad smiles.

" I'll look for you guys," I smile back, running to where all of the other seniors are. I run in and find everyone stares on me.

" Rosemary's here," Jake places his arm around my shoulder.

" Drew has been staring at his phone, waiting for you," Rick whispers.

" I am late for everything," I laugh.

" Hopefully not to your own wedding," Tyler pats my head.

" That's if I get married," I shrug.

" You will," Drake winks.

" You guys have my future all planned out," I look at all of them.

" Yes, we do," Tyler laughs. We walk to the back of the room and I find Drew staring at his phone.

" Waiting for a text?" I raise an eyebrow. He looks up and stares at me.

" You're late," he mutters.

" I am aware of the time," I nod.

" I was worried," Drew whispers.

" I worry that your worry for me will cause you to be an over worrier," I roll my eyes.

" Tongue twister," Drew shakes his head.

" I think you're nervous about going out and getting your diploma," I sit next to him.

" Nah, it's something else. Something I have to do today," Drew looks me straight in the eye.

" Well don't let it worry you, don't want gray hairs do we now," I pat his head.

" I won't, not right now," he assures me.

" Okay graduating seniors, let's get in order," the secretary speaks through a megaphone. We all get in order and walk out the door and onto the field it was being held at. They decided to have it outside since it was a really nice day today.

I look out into the bleachers that held all the parents and find my dad with his camera out, smiling. We all sit down and look up at the stage that held Drew's mom in front of a podium.

" Hello parents, grandparents, relatives, siblings and graduating seniors. Today we will celebrate the accomplishments of the students sat in the seats below. They have officially survived high school. Let us give them their well earned diplomas and clap as they walk up the stairs a senior and down graduates and college students," Mrs. Thompson speaks into the mic," let's begin this ceremony"

I watch as several people walk up the stage and accept their diplomas and wave it in the air, rushing down the stairs and to their seats. One by one it got closer to my turn to walk up onto the stage. My stomach started to turn and my cheeks flushed red as I see the person next to me stand up to accept their diploma. Once they come back, my eyes widen.

" Rosemary Smith," I hear my name. I slowly stand up and make my way to the stage.

" Wo-hoooo! Rosemary! Get that award girl! Work that stage!" I hear Kat's voice yell from the bleachers. I look over and see her giving me a thumbs up. I grin and walk up the stairs and onto the stage. I shake everyone on stage hands and accept my diploma. I hold it up and everyone begins to clap. I make eye contact with Drew and see him smile at me. I walk off the stage and walk back to my seat. A little more people go after me.

" Drew Thompson," Drew's mom smiles. Drew stands up with a little grin and walks up on stage. He accepts his award and smiles at the crowd. Several girls swoon around me and I shake my head. He's still that jerk girls swoon over. He walks off stage and sits down. After everyone goes, the valedictorian does a speech and leaves it to Mrs. Thompson.

" Now that our seniors have graduated, I'll like to say congratulation. You have made it through school. Now you are all adults and will be going to colleges. All your hard work has paid off. You made me and your parent's very proud. You may all stand up and toss your caps, if you may like. If not we have something confetti poppers you can use," Mrs. Thompson smiles, holding up one.

I grab a confetti popper and hold it up in the air. Everyone counts down and when we reach one everyone either shot confetti or through their cap in the air. I looked around and see everyone hugging. I smile to myself and look around.

" Rosemary!" I hear Drew call out. I turn around and see Drew a few inches away from me.

" Drew?" I stand still. Seriously this is like a cheesy movie scene, but it felt like everything slowed down around us. Drew slowly inched towards me, but suddenly had a burst of energy and ran towards me. He cupped my cheeks and kissed right then and there.

And I kissed back.

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