2 - Dinner And Bets

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~ Rosemary's P.O.V ~

I crawl out of bed and onto the floor, standing up. I walk to the closet and do the same routine as yesterday, but I leave my hair down. Dragging myself downstairs, I eat my breakfast.

Once I'm done, I rush to the door and walk out, getting into the car. I wait for the driver to take me to school. He drives off to the school and drops me off. Getting out the car, I walk to my locker. Kat walks over to me and we walk to class. We take our seats and talk.

" So my mom is making me dress up for some dinner we're having with a family," I start.

" She is? Do you know who this family is?" She ask.

" No, she never said," I reply.

She nods and turns her head back. The teacher walks in and does the usual teaching. Same as yesterday Drew walks in late. Seriously hasn't he heard of an alarm clock or at least not getting in trouble. He walks and looks at me, winking.

I feel all the intense stares from the girls around me. I twirl my pencil and pay attention to the lesson, writing down some notes. I put down my pencil after a while.

You know how pencils aren't stable when you place it on a desk or table, well the pencil fell down on the floor. I lean over to pick it up, but another hand grabs it.

" Here you go beautiful," Drew says, handing it to me.

I take it and turn back around, mumbling a thanks. The bell rings and students walk out. I gather my stuff and walk out with Kat. We walk to our other class and do that until lunch. We grabbed our lunches and sat at a table.

" So, what are you going to do tomorrow? Since it's gonna be Saturday," she asked.

" I don't know, my mom makes plans randomly, but if I'm not doing anything I'll give you a call," I reply.

She nods and eats her lunch. I look around the cafeteria and see a table where all the "popular people" sit.

I see Drew sitting there with two girls in each arms. (A/N: How is this even possible? Why did I write this? What was my younger self thinking?).

He looks over at me and winks. I just roll my eyes and turn back to Kat.

" So I was thinking that if you do I could introduce you to my other friends," she says.

I nod and chew on my fries. Yup, I don't eat healthy food, sometimes, depends where I'm at.

Once it was the end of the day, I walk out of school and look for the car. The car pulls up and I walk over to it, getting inside. I get home and slowly walk to do the door, opening the door quietly and walk upstairs silently. On the last step, I some how tripped and face planted the floor.

" Sweetie is that you?" I hear my mom say.

Why is she home so early? She wasn't home early when it was my birthday. This dinner must be very important to her.

I walk to my room and close the door, jumping onto my bed and staring at the ceiling. I pull myself up and walk to my piano that I have in a room attached to my bedroom. Running my fingers over the keys, I sit on the bench. I sigh and get up walking away from the piano. I haven't played in a while. I hear a knock at my door.

" It's open!" I yell.

My mom walks in with a grin on her face.

Oh no.

" Let's try on some dresses," she says, walking to my closet.

" Why can't I just like wear something nice and casual," I groan.

" You can't, we need to make good impression. Plus they have a son," she grins.

" So, not like I'm going to like him," I mumble.

" Whatever you say, anyway try this on," she say, throwing a dress at me.

This continued until I finally got her to agree with me. She walked out and I choose something casual, but nice for dinner. I changed and walk downstairs. I look around and see my parents greeting some people. Did I take that long? I never take that long. I walk over to my parents.

" Oh this must be Rosemary, I'm Mrs. Thompson," she smiles, shaking my hand.

" Yes, and nice to meet you Mrs. Thompson," I smile back.

" Oh I almost forgot, meet my son Drew. Drew come here," she says.

Did she just say Drew?

I see Drew walk over. He looks at me and smirks. I almost forgot to say this, I'm wearing contacts right now.

" Hey Rosemary," he smirks.

How does he recognize me without my glasses on? (A/N: Why I don't know? Maybe because the only thing glasses do is help your vision not change you to an entirely different person?)

" Hey Drew," I say, resisting the urge to glare or roll my eyes.

" Oh you guys know each other already?" Mrs. Thompson asked.

" Yeah we have some classes together," we say at the same time.

" Well isn't that delightful," My mom says.

No mom it's not delightful. It's more like torture than delightful. I know I'm over exaggerating, but that's how I feel. We walk to the dinning room and sit down.

I sit in my regular seat. Drew walks and sits in the seat next to me. Why this seat, there's other seats. I ignore him and eat my food. I feel a hand on my thigh and look down, the hand belonging to Drew.

" I'd like it if you took your dirty hand off of me," I say as nicely as I can.

" No can do babe," he smirks.

I glare and pull his hand off of my thigh. After dinner the adults go into the living room to talk. I walk upstairs to my room, only to be followed by Drew. Before opening the door, I spin around to face Drew.

" What do you want Thompson?" I glare.

" Going by last names I see," he replies.

" Answer my question," I tell him.

" Well usually girls would allow me into​ their room after dinner," he replies.

" Does it seem like I'm like most girls?" I ask.

(A/N: Wow the classic "I'm not like most girls" line.)

" Every girl wants me, so I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted me," he smirks.

" Oh please every girl? You're getting a bit cocky here," I roll my eyes.

" I bet you will fall for me."

" Oh really? I bet I won't."

" Oh so it's a bet now."

" Maybe it is."

" If I win, then you have to admit every girl wants me."

" And if I win, which I will, you have to admit that not every girl wants you."

" Deal?"

" Deal."


What do you think so far? Is it good? Probably not. If you guys have any confusions or problems with the story it would be helpful if you wrote in a comment.

- BlueBunny ♡ ♥

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