31 - Beach.

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v ~

I stare back at Drew for the longest time, raising an eyebrow. Okay let's start from the beginning.

I walked into school like any other normal day. Turns out the last weeks of school you can wear regular clothes or the school uniforms if you wanted. I obviously chose to wear regular clothes. Today was well possibly the hottest day ever. I hate the sun sometimes.

I skated to school because well I don't know. I then got off my board and ran to Matt, placing an arm around him.

" Today the squad and us are going to the beach. Perfect day too. It may be Monday but who freaking cares," I tell him, lifting my board in the air.

" Sure. I have some free time. Just send everyone a message," Matt smiles.

" Okay Matty," I grin. I make a group chat and send everyone a message.

' You. Me. Beach. Today. 2 o'clock. Better be there - Rosie '

' You sure do know how to pick up people - Kat <(•^•)>'

' Kat, Rose is an expert - Jay♡'

' Teach me your ways - Ally '

' I'm too young to pick up people - Ky-Ky ☆'

' Stop you're waking me up from my long needed nap - Mel '

' Okay have a sweet dream babe - Ethan '

' Do not flirt with her in the same chat as me! - Jay♡'

' People I have school. Bye - Rosie '

' Bye! - Jay♡, Ethan , Ally , Ky-Ky ☆, Kat <(•^•)>, Mel '

Matt and I walk into school and immediately walk to our lockers. I rip off some idiotic posters and toss them in the trash. I walk into my class and sit in my regular seat. Drew walks in and sits in Kat's usual spot. Once he was seated, he sat and stared at me.

That's where we are now.

" Why are you staring at me?" I ask him.

" You don't seem to be sad. Begging to Matt to get back with you. You seem totally fine and you act casual with Matt," Drew points out.

" I didn't know that it was a rule for girls to beg to guys," I roll my eyes.

" It practically is because every girl did that to me," he says, leaning back.

" When did you write that in the constitution?," I asked, sarcastically.

"It's a rule that even George Washington and Thomas Jefferson followed. Pretty sure they had plenty of woman after them since they did have a large amount of money," he answers.

" I've learned about the amendments and constitution Thompson. Where in the world did it say that?" I ask another question.

" Uh," he mumbled.

" Right it says that nowhere," I answer for him.

" Oh shut up," he slightly pouts.

" Amendment one states I have a freedom of speech so no I will not shut up( don't correct me if I am wrong please)," I smirk.

" That was sly nerd. I will give you that," he grins.

" Thank you. I actually pay attention in class," I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone. The teacher walks in and begins to well teach.

- Time Skip -

I jump on Matt's back and grin. He looks back at me slightly, looking confused.

" Why are you on my back?" He ask.

" It is to hot for me to skate home and you are my only option. So onwards!" I shout.

He takes me to his truck and opens the door dropping me inside.

I toss my bag to the back seat and buckle up. He begins to drive once he is inside and takes me home. I run inside and quickly put on my swimsuit under. I didn't forget my bag in Matt's truck. Don't worry.

I grab a random backpack from my closet and place some needed beach essentials. I walk outside and get back in the truck.

" Ready?" Matt ask.

I smile and nod. Matt begins to drive to Santa Monica and look out the window.

- Time Skip -

Matt and I get out the truck and head towards the water. I look around for Kat and everyone and immediately see Kylie getting chased by Ally. Matt and I walk over there and sit down with everyone.

" We made it," I grin.

" Great let the water fun begin," Jay grins.

" You people can go have fun. I am going to lay back with Jack," Kat smiles.

" Your loss," Ethan grins, running over to the water.

Jay runs after him.

I take my shorts and shirt off revealing . I put some black swim shorts that only cover half of my thigh.

" I hate to show a lot of skin," I tell them.

" You still look hot," Kat winks.

" So do you," I wink back.

I run over to the water and splash Ethan and Jay in the face. We continue playing around, until it started to get late. We get out of the water and wrap our towels around ourselves. We all talk while drying up. When we were all dry, I put my clothes over my bathing suit.

We walked around on the board walk and mess around. We get some sweets from the stand nearby and sit at the table.

" The finals were so difficult," Kylie complains.

" Excuse me? I have to worry about college," Mel mumbles.

" I have to worry about what college I get in," Matt sighs.

" Same here," Kat and I agree.

" Sucks for all of you," Ally grins.

" You dropped out woman," Mel glares.

" Why aren't you two complaining," Kat ask Ethan and Jay.

" Online school," Ethan and Jay smile.

" You lucky pieces of scat," Kylie mumbles.

" Scat? You could've said sh-" Ally begins.

" Innocent mouth currently and a bet with Mel," Kylie mumbles.

" Oh. Well where's my swear jar at? I'm gonna need it for myself. I need to save up for that awesome board we saw," Ally grins.

" Ally that jar is going to be filled within a week," Jay laughs.

" Shut up you beach."

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