28 - Stupid Prom

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v ~

So to all of you whom may know this I am on a trip. At Big Bear. Coincidentally prom was nearby as well. So the school being cheap and everything, decided to have it at the dining room we ate in. It was big enough, yes, but are they really going to decorate it. The girls are all freaking out because the dress they bought was at home. The advisers said since today was the last day of the trip, the girls could go home and get dressed for the prom and later come back . That is currently what everyone is doing.

stepped into the bus and sat on the same seat as the first time we got on the bus. I pulled out my phone a took a quick picture for Instagram. Yup I have an Instagram. It's just my friends and random people following me. I only post drawings and singing covers or photography.

I look over to the side and see Drew sit down next to me, still talking to Tyler and them. When they walk back to their seats, Drew turns and looks at me.

" Thanks for telling me the song nerd," he tells me.

" You're welcome," I mumble, looking back at my phone. I stay on my phone for the rest of the ride home. When we stop at school, I walk out and wait for them to pull my bag out from the compartment on the side of the bus. Once the pulled my bag out, I grabbed it and walk towards Matt.

" Let's go Matt. You're mine and Kat's driver," I tell him," by the way Kat's gonna need me at her house. She probably wants to dress me up for prom"

" Okay. Let's head to my truck," he says. Kat runs over to his truck, leaving me with her bags. I roll my eyes and drag them with me, getting some help from Matt. We toss the bags in the trunk and get into the car.

" Getting ready for prom here we come!" Kat grins. Matt drops off Kat and I at her house and helps us take her bags inside. Since Matt is my ride back home he's going to just keep my bag in his trunk. Matt leaves Kat's house.

" So what are going to do?" I ask.

"We're going to make you look more beautiful than you already are," Kat smiles. She drags me upstairs and into her room. She sits me in front of a mirror and pulls out her makeup bag and hair things.

" What color is your dress?" Kat ask me.

" Um, I don't have a dress," I mumble.

" Seriously what are you going to do without me. I know the perfect dress," Kat tells me. She begins to do my makeup and nearly pokes my eye out with whatever she was doing to them. She twirls me around and begins to do my hair. She curls it and does some weird braid.

" Okay, Rosemary do not do anything that involves messing up the work that I have done," Kat whispers. I look at the mirror and see what Kat did to me. She did my makeup like and my hair like .

" This looks great Kat," I smile.

" Oh my Rosemary looks so pretty," Kat squeals," I have to take a picture of you and send it to Ally and the rest,"

" I'll send on to Jay. I just got a message from him. Maybe he will show Ethan," I tell Kat. She nods and takes a quick picture of me. I smile at my phone and take a picture, sending it to Jay.

' Ya girl Rose looks like this for prom - Rosebud'

' You look so pretty Rose! I am currently jealous of Matt! Also Ethan says hey! - Jay-Z'

Jay sends back.

' Tell Ethan I said hey back. And thank you Jay! When are we having a Ray day? - Rosebud'

' Soon! Anyway Ethan and I are going out for dinner. Ew fancy restaurants! Text ya later girl! - Jay-Z'

' Text ya later as well boo - Rosebud'

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