4 - I'm Not Random

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A/n: I'm just skipping to Saturday because I'm just too lazy. Plus school is very boring to write about.

(See, I was really lazy)

~ Rosemary's P.O.V ~

Yes it's Saturday. Maybe I should hang out with Kat or have a lazy day I don't know. I'm oddly excited this morning usually I'm too lazy to even get up or think.

I grab my phone from the nightstand next to my bed and look through my social media accounts. My phone vibrates saying I got a text. I look and see a text from Kat saying.

Wanna hang out? I wanna introduce you to my friends - Kat/ Kit- Kat/ some random nickname

(A/N: That is one of the longest contact name.)

Sure what time? - Rose/ Nerd / some random nickname

Remember we put this as our contact names. Yes, I put nerd for my nickname.

In a couple of minutes I almost at your house - Kat/ Kit - Kat / some random nickname

I walk downstairs and into the dining room table. One of the maids come over and put down my breakfast. I wish I could cook for myself or I don't know, do anything for myself. I mean yeah it's nice to have maids, but I am going to be on my own one day. I know how to cook and everything, but cooking for myself could be good practice.

I take my plate to the kitchen and set it in the sink. I walk upstairs and go to my bathroom, taking a shower. I change and walk back downstairs. I grab my penny board and walk outside to see Kat.

We jump on our boards and skate towards this place she hangs out at with her friends. We ride down this path in the forest by the park and stopped in front of a tree house. Their hang out is a tree house? Awesome.

" Okay, so the gangs already here so let's go inside," Kat says. We walk inside and I see a group.

" Looks like the unicorn has arrived," one of them say.

Unicorn? Oh I think it's because her hair.

" Yes, I have and I bring a new member of our pack," Kat replies, " Okay this is Melanie also known as Mel and Fox," she says, pointing to a girl with black hair and a fox sweatshirt.

She nods her head, doing an army salute.

" What up," she says.

" This is Alyssa, nicknames are Ally and Alligator," Kat points to a girl with blonde hair and hipster glasses. She smiles and waves.

" Yo," she grins.

" This is Jay and Ethan, Jay's nicknames are Jay-Z and Bluejay. Ethan's nicknames are E and Eagle " Kat points to two guys, " They're together and are the cutest couple ever!"she squeals, whispering to me. They wave at me.

" Hey," they say in unison. They look at each other, smiling.

Oh my gosh soooooo cute!

" This is Kylie, the youngest of the group, nicknames Kyle and Bubbles or Kola," she says, pointing to a young girl with brown hair, who's blowing bubbles. She puts down the bubbles and does a peace sign.

" Hi," she says.

" Guys this is Rosemary, I call her Rose, Rosie or Nerd, but we need an animal nickname for her," Kat says.

They all huddle in a circle. I hear whispering and mumbles. They get out of the circle and turn to me.

" We have decided. Your nickname will be either a raven, or a rabbit. Votes will be in by the next meet- up," Mel says.

They nod and sit on a bean bag. I sit down on an empty bean bag that happens to be blue. I look around and see there all different colors.

Kat has purple. Mel has black. Alyssa has yellow. Jay has green and Ethan has red. Kylie has pink. I look around and see they have a mini fridge, five lanterns hanging, three rugs, one table, two hammocks, and a jar filled with paper. Ally gets some sodas and snacks from the min fridge.

" Okay who picks out of the jar this time?" Kylie ask.

" I think we should let our guest pick out of it," Kat replies.

" Why do we need to pick out of a jar?" I ask.

" Well every meeting we pick out of the jar. The jar has many challenges, dares, and stuff. If you chicken out, you suffer the consequences. The one side has the challenge or dare and the other side is for when you chicken out," Jay explains.

I nod and put my hand in the jar, closing my eyes. I move my hand around and pull out a piece of paper.

" The challenge is to be the slave of one the people the group picks for a week. If I chicken out, the consequence is to wear a lion suit to school for a week." I mumble.

It's not that bad. They think and whisper to each other, agreeing.

" You have to be the slave of Drew Thompson," Ally says.

My jaw drops, eyes widening. It's totally bad now. It won't be that bad wearing a lion suit to school right? But it's against school rules and I don't want to disobey them because if I do, I have to deal with my parents.

" Why not someone else," I beg.

They shake their heads smirking.

" Anyone got his number?" Mel ask.

Kat and Ally raise their hands. Seriously? Kat pulls out her phone and presses his number. She presses call, putting it on speaker. It rings three times before it connects.

( Phone call)

" Hello?" Drew's voice comes through the speaker.

" Hey it's Kat and I'm here with some friends. One you may know very well," Kat says, winking at me.

" Who may that be?" He ask.

" Rosemary," Everyone says, but me.

" Ah nerds there. Why'd you call me?" He ask.

" Well you know how we call you sometimes when we have dares and stuff?" Kat tells him.

" Yeah, why?" He ask.

" Well little Rosie has to do one and it involves you," she smirks.

" Oh really? " he says, interested.

I could tell he was smirking right now.

" Yeah she has to be your slave for a week. No funny business," she warns.

" Oh well. Nerd, I know you can hear me, so on Monday meet me by the entrance of the school in the morning," he says.

" Okay," I mumble.

" Bye," he says, hanging up.

( end of phone call)

I can't believe I agreed to this. I glared at every single one of them.

" I can't believe you people! " I yell.

" We prefer the term animals, but yeah believe us," Kat grins.

I pout and cross my arms. They all laugh and we walk out of the tree house thing. Kat and I skate back towards the house. I invite her inside and run towards my room. I plop on my bed and look at Kat.

" Come here women," I say.

She runs over and jumps on the side next to me. I push up my glasses and stare at the ceiling.

" So," Kat mumbles.

" Pineapple," I mumble.

" You're random," she smiles.

" I'm Not Random."

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