24 - It's freaking snowing

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v ~

Yay it's Saturday! Time for the trip where there will be lots of unicorns and rainbows! Please tell me you sense my sarcasm.You may be asking. Why doesn't she want to go on the school trip?

The reason is because school trips are boring.

Every single one I have been to has bored me to almost death. Seriously. One time I fell asleep next to an open bin of snakes, while the reptile person taught us about the different animals when I was in fourth grade and well woke up to screams, feeling something wrapped around me. It took half of the trip trying to loosen the snakes. Never sleeping next to a snake bin again. Even if its 'empty'. I just hope this is fun.

walk out of the house with my bags and jump into the car with Kat and Matt. I toss my bags into the trunk through the window and look over to Kat, who was next to me in the back. She grins at me and hugs me.

" We're going on a trip! I have always heard from the seniors that these were fun," she smiles.

" But aren't you pregnant? It would be dangerous for you to go," I tell her.

" I am only two weeks pregnant okay. I'm gonna be fine," she reassures me.

" I don't wanna risk it. I wanna see my niece or possible goddaughter," I wink.

" Don't be such a buzz kill. Live a little," she grins.

" I would live a little if I know your baby's okay," I tell her.

" Oh don't worry the baby will be fine," she smiles," I don't want to ruin your fun. Plus Jack should be worrying not you. He is the father"

" Hm okay. But if something happens I will say I told you so," I mumble.

She nods and we both look out the window to see the school in view. Matt parks the truck in the schools parking lot and Kat and I get out of the truck.

I grab my stuff along with Kat's and Matt grabs his and the rest of Kat's bags. All three of us walk over to where all the other seniors were. We all sign in at the front and get our name tag thing that goes around our next. A lanyard right?

" So who are you seating with in the bus?" Kat ask.

" I don't know who ever they sit me with," I shrug. She nods.

The principal calls us all over. Everyone walks over there like a herd of cows and talks to one another.

" Okay so I have the list who you are sitting with. I will post it up right here and you students can see who you're sitting next to," she announces.

She places the paper on the wall and runs out of the way quickly. Everyone runs to the paper to see who they're sat next to. Some pairs were friends and couples which made them all cheer. I walked up to the paper and saw my name next to.


This had to happen didn't it. My luck is amazing. You may have already guessed I got the one and only Drew Thompson. Matt got sat next to some random guy and so did Kat. Drew smirks and looks over at me.

" Well aren't you lucky. You got sat next to me," he tells me.

I roll my eyes and walk away from him and into the bus. I sit down by the window and pull my phone out as well as my ear buds. I place them in my ears and put my play list on shuffle, blocking any communication with Drew. Everyone gets settled in the bus and we begin our journey to wherever we are going.

I place my head back against the unusually comfortable chair and feel my eyes start to droop. And just like that Braden Barrie's voice lulled me to sleep.

~ Drew's P.o.v~

I text back and forth in a group chat with a group of my friends while we were all in the same bus and close to each other. I mean it's more reasonable to text instead of talking.

' So how's the nerd? I saw on the paper she was next to you - Jake'

' How would I know? I'm not paying attention to her - Drew'

' Sure you aren't Drew. I can see you from where I am sitting at you idiot - Drake'

' Well then you would notice that I am not paying attention to her - Drew'

' Well if you call looking up from your phone and looking at her while she slept. Which I hate to admit it, but from what I can see she looks adorable. Then no you aren't - Drake'

' Aw does little Drewy have a crush! - Ricky'

' I do not have a crush on her - Drew'

' Oh so it's more than a crush ;) - Tyler'

' It's more like hate, despise, annoy her - Drew'

' Boys who tease girls usual like them - Jake'

' Well I don't like the nerd - Drew'

' Whatever, but I suggest you wake her up. Your mom just announced that we are almost there - Drake'

- end of conversation -

I sigh and place my phone in my pocket. I turn my head to the sleeping nerd. She was sound asleep, part of her mouth agape. She was slightly curled up like a cat. She looked extremely comfortable.

Well looks like we should wake her up.

I raise my hand up and flick her on the forehead. She doesn't even move an inch. What is she? A bear in hibernation?

I shake her shoulders and the same thing as before happened, she didn't wake up. I grab my water bottle and open it. I decided to be nice and remove her phone and ear buds, before I tried to pour the water on her.

Hint that I said tried.

Her hand suddenly shoots up and grabs the water bottle splashing me in the face. She gets up and sits properly and looks at me through her hair, her eyes set in a glare.

" Lesson one of sitting next to me. Never try to wake me up from the best sleep I have ever had," she growls.

She reaches over and grabs her phone and ear buds, which had survived the splash. I look at her with wide eyes.

" You freaking ruined my hair," I gasp.

" Not like it was styled well anyway," she mumbles.

I glare at her and try to fix my hair. She turns her head and looks out the window. Her eyes widen with excitement and she has a childish smile placed on her face. She presses her face against the now frosted window and places her hands on either side of her face.

" What?" I ask her.

" It's freaking snowing," she muffles from the window.

I look at her weirdly and lean in a bit behind her to get a good view outside. I look out the window and see white stuff everywhere and not the white you're thinking of. You have a dirty mind. White, fluffy specks fall from the creating a wonderland.

" Welcome to Big Bear," announces the bus driver. Rosemary was right.

It's freaking snowing.

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