41 - Finding Feelings And Art Shows.

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v ~

" So you're confused?" Ethan ask me.

" Yeah I am," nod.

" You don't know if you like Drew or not?" Jay continues.

" No, I don't," I mumble.

" You have put yourself in quite the situation," Ally rolls onto her belly.

" I know," I fall back, landing onto my bean bag.

" Well this must confuse you so much to the point you might stress over it huh?" Kylie bites her chocolate bar.

" It basically has. He has been so secretive lately and has tried to tell me something. Since I first met him at school and now has changed my perspective of him. He is a jerk, but he had his moments of being nice. He is also quite funny and can easily make me smile now. He is kind of good looking. He could get a haircut, it's starting to get long. I don't know," I lie my arms on my knees and place my chin on my arm.

" Rosemary," Mel sighs.

" What?" I look in her direction.

" What if I told you that maybe you do like him?" She ask me.

" I would understand why I am confused and why my heart beats excessively," I answer.

" Look likes we found the answer to your confusion," Mel smiles.

" Oh gosh," I cover my face with my hands.

" I knew you liked him," Jay grins.

" Shut up Jay," I glare.

" Just stating the obvious," he raises his hands up in defense. I kick his foot with mine and pout. He sticks his tongue out at me and hides behind Ethan.

" So Rosemary when is your graduation?" Mel ask, pulling out her phone.

" This Saturday at three," I answer. She types something into her phone and nods.

" Do you have to dress nice?" Ally ask.

" If you want to," I shrug. I look down at my phone and look at the time," I have to go home or else my mom will complain about me not hanging out with Drew"

" But you don't mind hanging out with him," Kylie winks.

" Oh shush. No one mentions this conversation at all," I warn them. They make a zipper motion.

I stand up and walk out of the tree house. I get onto my skateboard and make my way back to my house. I push open the door to my house and see my mom tapping her foot on the floor.

" I scheduled to attend this art show for you and Drew yet you come a minute late. Now we will never make it," my mom sighs, placing her hand on her head.

" It's just one minute," I shrug.

" One minute we could've used," she counters, walking away.

I walk upstairs and head to my room. As I open the door to go to my room, I see Drew stepping out of the guest room. He looks at me and looks away really quickly, me doing the same. I look at him in the corner of my eye and see him looking back. My hair covers my face and blocks my cheeks that were cherry red.

" Um, your mom had something planned," he brings up.

" So I've heard. Apparently, I came home a minute too late," I shrug.

" A minute? Wow. Well, um, I'll see you downstairs if we still going?" Drew laughs.

" Yeah, I just need to change," I nod, walking into my room. I shut the door and lean against it. Oh gosh. I hate this. It's going to be so awkward. He might not even like me and think I am like all those other one week girls. Even one day girls. Why did I have to fall for a freaking jerk?

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