18 - First Day With The Horrible Ms. Price

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v ~

I slowly walk down the stairs trying not to make any noise. As I made it to the final step, I placed my foot delicately on the floor, only for it to creak slightly. I look around and quickly run to grab the door. As I reached for the door knob, a hand grabbed it. I slowly turn my head and look down a little to see Ms. Price with an annoyed look.

" Trying to sneak out are we?" She tells me.

" I wasn't sneaking out I was...getting the newspaper," I lie quickly.

" The maids grab the newspaper every morning from what your mother told me. Thought you could trick me. I'm smarter than you," she says strictly.

" I didn't want to be rude to you while you were here, but you should know I'm 17. I'm able to go outside on my own not be locked up inside my house because some lady I don't know told me to. I hate being rude so if you may please let me go out," I tell in my nicest voice.

" I am not letting you go out in something so poor as that. You're rich for heaven sakes. Dress like you are. Your parents didn't make this money to go to waste because their child is a rebellious teenager. I'm here to teach you manners. I'm not letting you go out with your 'friends'. That is if you have any," she tells me. Oh no, she didn't.

" I do happen to have friends Ms. Price. That was quite rude of you to say. Maybe you need to be taught a little more manners as well," I politely tell her, mad. She just basically told me that I don't have friends. Ms. Price slightly scowls, giving her wrinkles.

" I've taken care of children like you. I happen to have more manners than you as well. Your parents wouldn't have me here if I didn't. Sorry Rosemary but you in no way have permission to tell me, a more superior person and adult that I need to be taught more manners. I'm surprised your parents haven't put you in an institution for children like you," she growls slightly.

" I do have manners because I happen to be holding in my anger unlike you. A more superior person and adult you say. If you were you would not be arguing with me and I would be listening to you as well. Now if this conversation is finished I'd like to be excused to my room. I have a book to finish," I smile, politely speaking. Her slightly chubby face becomes extremely red from anger. My head suddenly jerks to the side, a pain stinging at my cheek.

" You in no way are allowed to speak to me that way. Your parents made me in charge. You will listen to me and follow every rule and instruction I give. Go to your room immediately young woman. I am writing this down in my notes that I will give to your parents when they returned. Hopefully they come to their senses and send you to an activity that will help your rude attitude and keep you busy with your pathetic nerd life," Ms. Price yells. I look at her, stunned. She needs anger management lessons.

" My attitude is not rude. I happen to be speaking to you politely. You're not my master or something like that meaning I do not need to follow your rules and instructions. I will write down in my notebook as well that you smacked me. Even take a picture to show proof. This may be called black mailing, but I don't care. I was going to go to my room originally, so if you may excuse I am leaving," I tell her, walking away. I walk up the stairs and hear Ms. Price scream in frustration. When I get to my room, I walk to the bathroom and check my cheek. I see a bruise beginning to form on my porcelain skin.

I pull out a first aid kit and clean up the bruise. I put it away and walk back into my room. I grab my book from my nightstand and open it to the page I left off. The story was called At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks. It was about love at first sight. Quite a cheesy thing to write about. It was a good book so far though. I wouldn't like to spoil it for you though. I feel my phone vibrate in my phone and pull it out to see a text from Kat.

' Rose where are you? We have a meeting today remember? - Kit- Kat.

' Ms. Price caught me trying to sneak out of the house. - Rosie'

' Oh I see the wicked witch of the west caught you. Looks like we have to do a secret mission to sneak you out. - Kit- Kat'

' You don't have to. I mean in doesn't matter if I miss one meeting right? - Rosie'

' This meeting is very important though. You have to be here. The team is assembled and will sneak you out. See ya Rose! - Kit- Kat'

' Wait Kat! - Rosie'

Kat doesn't respond to my text. Oh gosh what are they gonna do to sneak me out? I hear the doorbell ring and voices. A small bang came from my window. I walk over to the window and open it up, only to get hit by a pebble.

" Whoops sorry Rose," I hear Matt's voice whisper to me. I look down and see Matt, Jay and Ethan grinning at me.

" You guys really came up with a plan," I mumble.

" Yeah we did and you need to get down here quickly or else all our hard work will go down the drain," Jay tells me.

I nod and grab my phone, putting it in my pocket. I put my legs out of the window and close my windows slightly behind me. I hold onto the ledge of the panel outside of my window and fully close the window.

" You better catch me if I don't land correctly," I whisper/yell to them. I let go of the ledge and fall down. I fall down and land into someone's arms. I look at the person and see Matt looking down at me.

" This the perfect moment to say something cheesy, but you're not that type of girl," Matt grins.

" What were you gonna say that I'm always gonna be there for you when you fall," I say sarcastically.

" Are you telepathic?" Matt gasp.

" Yeah I'm very telepathic," I mumble sarcastically. He chuckles and places me on the ground. Kat, Mel, Kylie, and Ally walk over to where we were, grinning.

" Mission 108 complete. The wicked witch of the west has been distracted. Let's go," Kat tells us. We all grabbed our skateboards and began to skate to the tree house.

" Hey guys what did you do to distract her?" I ask them. They all look at each other.

" She's trying out this new hair product that Kat may have put hair dye in. Also, Kylie may have snuck in your house and put kool-aid on the nose of the shower and flour in her hair dryer. We put a rubber band around the faucet so it could hit her when she uses it. Also, we put butter on her phone. Mean we know but she's meaner," Ally yells. I laugh and we made it to the tree house. Starting our meeting.

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