1 - First Day Of School

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The annoying bird chirping outside wakes me up from my lovely dream causing me to get out of my comfortable bed. I drag myself to my walk-in closet and look for my stupid uniform, grabbing a towel. Still tired, I turn on the water and take off my pajamas. I step in and sit in the tub quietly, trying to wake myself up more.

I yawn and start doing the needed things to do during a shower or bath. Once I finish, I grab my towel and step out of the tub, walking out of the bathroom and to my vanity. Grabbing some mascara and lip gloss, I do my makeup. I absolutely hate makeup, but my mom won't let me go anywhere if I don't wear it. I have to look 'presentable' all the time.

I'm rich yes, but I like dressing like I'm not. I hate the whole rich thing. You expect me to be a whiny, spoiled brat, but I'm the opposite. I'm the laid back type, boyish if I may say so myself and calm, just don't get on my bad side. I would tell you more about myself, but I have to head to school. I like learning surprisingly, but I just hate waking up and seeing people who only care about themselves and are just plain out what's the word? Fake.

I change into my uniform and grab my bag and glasses. Putting my hair up in a bun, I walk downstairs. The thing about having a big house is that you have a long set of stairs, which is very tiring to walk down.

As I head into the dining room and sit in my usual chair, I see my parents already sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Old people. The maid puts my breakfast down in front of me.

I thank her and dig into the delicious breakfast. Once finishing my food, I push out my chair and stand up.

" I should be heading to school, don't want to have a bad first impression," I tell my parents.

They only nod and go back to reading, causing me to sigh.

No good luck again.

I walk to the front of my door and put my shoes on, heading out. I walk into the car and sit in my spot. The driver shuts the door and takes me to school. Once we make it to the school, the driver gets out and opens the door for me.

" Thank you," I say, politely.

He bows and goes back to the car, driving away. I flatten out the stupid skirt and start walking. I wish I had pants or shorts, maybe the boys uniform.

I feel stares on me and whispers from the students around. Ignoring them, I walk to the office.

" Hello I'm new here, my name is Rosemary Smith," I say politely, smiling. The secretary looks up and smiles back.

" Ah, yes here is your schedule, locker number and combination, if you need any help remember I'm always here in the office," she informs.

" Thank you," I nod and take my essentials, walking away.

Once getting to my locker, I put my unneeded items away. Feeling a presence behind me, I turn and see a girl smiling.

" Hi! You must be new here, my names Katherine Newman!" She grins.

" Hi, my names Rosemary Smith, you can call me Rose," I say, grinning back.

" May I see your schedule?" She ask.

I nod and hand it to her. She looks through it and grins," We have most of our classes together, besides two, so I can show you around!"

" Awesome!" I grin. We walk to our first class and sit next to each other, " I like your hair color by the way," I compliment.

" Really? Thanks I dye it different colors each year or month," she grins.

We continue to talk, but get cut off by the bell. I turn my attention to the front and see the teacher walk in. He looks around the class and spots me.

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