19 - The Very " Important" Meeting.

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v ~

We walked inside the tree house laughing. To catch Ms. Price's reaction to the little prank, Kylie put up some camera's. We'll get them back once the meeting is over. I walk over to my bean bag and sit on it, leaning my head on Matt. He wraps an arm around my waist and looks around.

" Okay, what was so important that you needed to sneak me out?" I ask. They all look at each other.

" Well prom and that stupid trip is coming up," Kat starts off.

" And well Mel, Jay, Ethan and I already graduated from high school last year," Ally continues.

" And I'm only an 8th grader," Kylie adds.

" We thought maybe we should have our own prom or maybe we could crash your prom," Jay says.

" Also follow you guys to the trip," Mel mumbled.

" Oh and this boy has something to tell you," Ethan says, poking. I look up at Matt only to find him already looking at me.

" What do you need to tell me Matt?" I ask. He looks Ally and Jay, then Kylie and Ethan, then Mel and Kat. All 6 of them stand up and pull something out from one of the boxes in the tree house, all of them grabbing a side besides Kylie and spread it apart. On the paper read.

' Will you go to prom with me Rosemary Smith? And if you say no looks like no candy for you. Do it for the candy.'

At the end was Kylie holding a bag full of candy. I look over at Matt and see him holding flowers.

" Sure. I'm doing this for the candy," I grin. Matt pouted," and for you too Matt," I laugh. He grins and pulls me into a tight hugging, kissing my face repeatedly.

" Yay!" He cheers.

" Now give me the candy woman," I tell Kylie. She tosses it to me and I immediately open it. I grab a handful of candy and stuff it my mouth.

" That's very attractive Rose," Kat laughs.

" I know it is," I tell Kat, giving her a playful seductive look. She looks at me disgusted. I do a kissy face and chase her around," Kat you can't deny that you find me attractive!"

" If you stop chasing me then I won't deny it!" She shouts. I stop chasing her.

" Shout it out loud Kat! Say Rosemary Smith is the most attractive human being to live in this universe!" I demand.


" You got that right," I smirk. I look over at everyone and see them on the floor laughing.

" Oh my gosh you two are so weird," Mel gasp, everyone else nods.

" Weird is the new normal," I state.

" Preach!" Kat shouts. Everyone gets off of the floor and gasp for air. Their faces were all red from laughing so hard.

I plop onto Ethan's lap and stare at everyone. Jay looks at us and walks over to Matt. Jay sits on Matt's lap and glares at me. I glare back at him and stick my tongue out at him.

" I wanted to sit on his lap," Jay pouted.

" Too bad, so sad," I smirk.

" Come on Rosie, don't you wanna sit on Matt's, your boyfriend, lap?" Jay ask me.

" No, I wanna sit on Ethan," I tell him. Matt pouted.

" You don't wanna sit on my lap," Matt fake cries.

" Nope, you can have Jay. I have Ethan. Isn't that right Ethan?" I say. Ethan nods, laughing.

" Ethan you betrayed me," Jay gasp.

" Sorry," Ethan grins.

" I declare a battle Rosemary Smith. For the heart of Ethan Calaway," Jay shouts.

" Shouldn't thou fair maiden say who shall have thou heart of hine ," I say, medieval like.

" I have no idea what you just said," Jay tells me.

" I said shouldn't the fair maiden say who should have the heart of him. Sounds weird huh," I tell Jay. He nods.

" Yup," he giggles.

" Okay sorry Ethan but I'm getting kind of uncomfortable sitting on your lap," I say, standing up. Right when I got off, Jay leaped onto Ethan," Sheesh Jay you're like an animal jumping for it's prey," I murmur. Jay grins and snuggles into Ethan's chest.

" I'm getting sick of you couples. The only single ones here are Kylie, Ally, and me," Mel mumbled, annoyed.

" Actually I may or may not have a boyfriend. I don't know I'm going on a date with him tonight," Kylie blushes.

" Oh my Kentucky fried chicken! Kylie why didn't you tell me! I am totally going to help with your outfit!" Kat squeals.

" Oh gosh, Kat you're so girly. I'm lucky Mel and Rose aren't girly. Well girly as you. Kylie you're girly, but like in an hispterish way. You know," Ally says. Kylie nods.

" What about you Ally? You're girly," Kat pouts.

" You call this girly?" Ally says, pointing at her .

" Okay maybe, but you have your girly moments," Kat tells her.

" Do I?" Ally ask.

" Yeah," We all say at the same time.

" Okay maybe I do, but that's the only times," she says.

" Okay, enough of the stupid talk. We need someone to choose a dare," Mel interrupts.

" Who's turn is it today?" Ally thinks out loud. We all look around and stop on Kylie.

" It's your turn Kylie," I grin. Her eyes go wide and stares all of us. Matt stands up and grabs the jar, holding it in front of Kylie. She hesitantly reaches her hand into the jar and pulls out a piece of paper.

" Say potato after everything you say. This isn't so bad potato," Kylie says.

" But don't you have a date tonight," Kat grins.

" So I'm a random person potato," Kylie tells her.

" What if he says he likes you," Kat says.

" Then I'll say I like you too potato," Kylie grins.

" Why are you calling him a potato. You would just say I like you too potato. So you are basically saying you like the potato too," Kat tells her.

" So potato," she shrugs. Kat shakes her head.

" Meeting adjourned," Mel announces.

" So this was the very " important" meeting?"

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