11 - Talent Show Time!

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v~

It's almost the talent show! I wanna perform already! The practices are going great. I think we harmonize pretty great.

The outfits are also coming out great. I'm kind of nervous what people would think of my singing. I don't think I'm the best singer, but everyone in the group says otherwise.

Today's Thursday which makes it Friday tomorrow. Which makes the talent show tomorrow.

I heard a lot of people signed up for it. It may be one of the biggest events the school has had. They're gonna have music scouts looking to give students scholarships or record deals. I honestly don't know if I'll get one. Gosh this is so weird. Well time to go to prison or as everyone knows school.

I change into the common uniform and head to school.

To catch you up on the daily life Kat and Drew's challenge ends this Friday though I think she won't break it off and if he does, she would kill him. Kat is starting to dress more like Chloe which disgust me so much.

I walk over to Matt and we walk to my locker again.

" So the talent show is tomorrow. Are you excited?" Matt ask me.

" I'm exciting, but nervous at the same time," I answer.

Kat and Drew walk down the hall, their little 'crew' following. Kat looks at me, rolling her eyes and flips her hair. Did I forget to mention that she re-dyed her hair? Yup, she dyed it this color. It kind of suits her I guess. I'll admit this also, her and Drew make a good couple actually. Though the more I notice the more I see that Kat is a bit to clingy. She always clings to him, cries, or begs him when she wants something. Which is all the time. I notice that Drew gets annoyed of her.

" Rose. Rosie. You there?" Matt ask, waving his hand in my face.

" Huh?" I ask.

" I was just asking you why are you excited, but nervous at the same time," he explains.

" Well I'm excited because I get to sing and I'm nervous because I'm afraid I will make a fool of myself in front of the whole school," I tell him.

" Why should you care what everyone thinks? It's your last year anyway, leave it off with a bang," he tells me.

" You're right. Rosemary Smith will leave the school year with a bang. She will be known for something amazing, not something embarrassing," I grin at Matt.

" That's the Rosie I know," he smiles, kissing my forehead," Better head to class don't wanna be late do we," he grins.

I nod and we walk our separate ways. I blush once he leaves and touch my forehead. Oh gosh, I'm getting weird feelings.

I sit in my seat and pull out my essay we needed to turn in. I place it in the bin and walk to my seat. The bell rings and everyone sits at their seats.

I hear whispers and look behind me to find Drew was gone and Kat surprisingly was there. The teacher begins to teach, but gets cut off by Drew walking in.

" I see late again Mr. Thompson," Mr. Jennex glares.

" Sorry Mr. Jennex, I was kept in the office for a bit," Drew says, handing a note to him.

​​​​​​ Mr. Jennex looks at it and sighs, letting him go to his seat. Drew looks at the girls and winks. Making them swoon. Oh gosh deja'vu. This is so weird. Didn't this happen on Chapter one?

I roll my eyes and laugh inside remembering it. Drew looks at me and smirks. He walks to the back of the room with his group and talks to them, not paying attention to the lesson.

I write my notes and ignore the intense stare on the back of my head. The bell rings and I rush out of the room before Drew, Kat or his crew grabs me.

My Little NerdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora