38 - Today Was A Strange Day.

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v~

Why is the world so confusing? It's like a pop quiz your jerk of a teacher gives you on a random day. You look at the quiz and don't understand a single problem at all. This result on you looking at other papers. Resulting in you getting in trouble, well unless you get away with it. The way that meaning resembles onto the topic of the world being confusing is that you get punished for trying to be someone else. Someone you aren't. You can't just copy someone because in the end it still is confusing. You may see someone and just think in your head I want to be just like them. Well sorry to break it to you, but you can't because they're their own person and you are as well. You can't just wear the same underwear, socks or clothes and expect to be them. It's not that simple. I don't want to run on anymore. I am getting to confusing.

I am currently reading a book that has caused my nerdy brain to think about what is going on around me. About life. It getting too deep and I am slowly slipping into the depressing side where you randomly point out flaws or just horrible times in life. Maybe I should just put down the book. Yeah I'll do that.

I look around the park and sigh in relief. Okay good the sun has not set and it is not another day, month or year. Not that I have read a book like that...

" Hey Rosemary! What are you doing in the park?" I hear Zachary's voice ask me.

I look to my left and see Zachary walking up to me.

" I was just reading," I smile at him.

" Oh that's great. Um where's Drew?" He ask, looking behind me.

" He's somewhere. I'm not his mom, I don't know every place he goes," I laugh.

" I didn't say you were," Zachary runs his hand through his hair.

" I know, I was just joking around," I mutter.

"Sorry about that. I am just worried that Drew's gonna hit me again," Zachary whispers.

" Hit you? Wow if he did I am surprised there is no bruise," I laugh.

" No. He -uh- used to bully me back when I moved here. He caused me to go back to England, but my parents loved it here so here we are," Zachary runs his hand through his hair again.

" He is a bully, but eh, he is changing. Into a jerk more, but he's Drew. By the way are you nervous? Everyone has some type of nervous tick and well you seem to be running your hand through your hair a lot," I look at his hand.

" You just make me nervous," Zachary blushes.

Okay the blush it a total fake, learned this from the Internet. Bless the internet and its information.

" Smooth lie," I smile.

" Lie? What lie?" Zachary stutters.

" I'm not an idiot. I know a lie when I see one," I roll my eyes.

Before I could walk away, Zachary pulls me back and kisses me. My eyes literally bulge out of my head and I push him off.

" What the heck was that for?" I wipe my lips.

" My mission is complete. Looks like Drew knows how I feel," Zachary smirks.

" Wait what?" I turn and see Drew looking at us with a shocked face, Tyler and everyone behind him with the same face. He slowly turns and walks off.

" Oh his face was priceless," Zachary laughs.

" So wait, you were using me to get Drew, Drew Thompson all time jerk face, jealous? For some dumb guy reason, I don't want to know. Why? We hate each other, " I ask.

" If you got your freaking blind as bat eyes checked, you would know that Drew likes you," Zachary rolls his eyes.

" Offensive to bats. They have perfect vision at night. Oh and sure Drew does. He likes every single girl he lays his eyes on for on millisecond. So if you kindly went back to England and drank your stupid tea it would do me, Drew and all of California a huge favor," I glare.

" I was just using you anyway, " Zachary scoffs.

" I don't remember being for sale in the used shop. But I am sure you only shop there because you can't actually get a girl. Clearly explains why Drew stole your ex-girlfriend so easily," I smile, flipping him off.

I walk off and hear him curse. Ah, and I am quickly on the single and not crushing market again. Lovely.

" Rosemary!" I hear my name called again. What's with everyone calling my name?

" What?" I turn around to see Tyler.

" We heard what you said so you're all good. Drew's just a bit confused and angry so you'll be just fine," he grins.

" Wait, now I am confused. Why does he care? Why is he mad? And what am I off the hook for?" I question.

" You will find out when Drew has the guts to not be such a well Drew," Tyler answers.

I nod slightly and walk home. As I walk into my house, I see my dad on the floor staring up at the ceiling.

" Why are you on the floor," I ask, bending down.

" I was just knocked down by a teenage boy who ran upstairs like a little girl," my dad mutters, looking at the stairs.

" Strange," I whisper.

" Very strange," he nods, standing up. He walks over to his study and closes the door.

I look at the stairs and make my way up. I walked to where Drew's staying and knock on the door.

" What is it?" I hear Drew's voice ask.

" Why did you knock my dad over and run upstairs like a little girl?" I ask him. I get no response for a while, but the door slightly opens.

" A little girl?"

"Yes, I believe I said that."

" I don't run like a little girl."

" Well, apparently my dad thinks so."

" You have a blind family."

" I am aware. I am also aware that you do run like a little girl. No one's perfect."

" I run like any other jock."

" Jocks are like little princesses, they want all the attention and care."

" Those are soccer players."

" All sports players?"

" Whatever."

" Great talking to you."

" Leave."

"I'll leave when I want to. Goodbye," I stick my tongue out, walking away.

I enter my room and sit on my bed, staring at the door. Today was a strange day.

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