39 - Plan Failed.

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~ Rosemary's P.o.v ~

I am officially done with this torture. Officially. O-F-F-I-C-I-A-L-L-Y. Well actually not really. I still need to go through graduation and everything. Today was just the last day for seniors. Cause you know seniors get out earlier than the rest of the grades. Maybe it's different for your school. Oh well.

I am currently sitting next to some random people as the vice principal informs us about what we are going to do for graduation and how it is going to go down. We have to practice our walk and everything important, so it is going to be a long day.

" That is all for today. I will see you next week for our week of practice. The last day of practice is before the graduation! Have a nice day," the vice principal speaks into the mic, walking off stage. Everyone stands up and walk down the bleachers and onto the field.

I quickly make my way through everyone and walk out of the gates. I begin to walk towards the direction of my house, but I get stopped by Tyler and Ricky.

" Hey?" I raise an eyebrow at them.

" Hello, Rosemary! We have an important place to take you!," Tyler wraps his arm around my shoulder on my left side.

" Very important indeed," Ricky wraps his arm around my shoulder on my right side.

" And I am very scared," I mutter as the drag me to who knows where. We stop at the back of the school and Tyler and Ricky step away from me.

" Here we are," Ricky grins.

" Am I going to get murdered? I am too young to die! Graduation is next week! I need to actually graduate from this place to make it official that I have left!," my eyes widen.

" Why would we murder you?" Tyler gives me a weird look.

" That's what a murder would say! I am not going to be like those dumb blondes in the movies. Bye!," I begin to run away from them. Ricky grabs my arm before I could even make three steps away from them.

" Rosemary you are our friend. Why would we kill you?" Ricky ask me.

" Aw, I'm your friend?" I smile. They both nod," Oh well I would kill my friends,"

" Why?" Tyler gives me a terrified look.

" Full of expressions aren't we, also because I love them that much," I answer.

" So killing them is showing love?" Ricky ask.

" I would call it killing them with love," I grin.

" You are very weird," Tyler rolls his eyes, Ricky nodding in agreement.

" Thank you," I nod my head.

" That wasn't- whatever, we have to take you somewhere anyway," Tyler shakes his head. We continue to walk until Jake and Drake pop out.

" Hello, Rosemary! I am here to take you to, oh hey Ricky I thought it was only Tyler taking her," Jake looks at all of us.

" I decided to change the plans," Ricky shrugs. Jake nods and we continue to walk to where ever they are taking me.

" Looks like Drew changed the plan as well," Drake mutters. We all look up at see Drew and Chloe sucking each others faces off.

" If you brought me here to see this then I already seen it enough at school. Now excuse me, I need to head home," I mumble, moving past them. As soon as I was no longer behind the a school, I took off to my house.

I ran quickly and pulled the door open. I slowly shut the door and quietly head upstairs. When I get to my room, I jump on my bed and place my face in the pillows. I just wanna sleep for now.

~ Drew's P.o.v ~

Chloe pulls away from me with a devilish smirk on her face. She turns her head and her smirk grows wider. I turn my head to see all the guys looking behind them as Rosemary walked off.

" What are you guys doing here?" I give them a confused look.

" You really are the biggest idiot," Ricky shakes his head, walking away.

" You forgot the plan that is now completely useless," Tyler rolls his eyes, following Ricky.

Jake and Drake just give me a disappointed look and follow Ricky and Tyler. As I was about to follow them, Chloe stops me.

" Why are you following those idiots? You could just stay with me," Chloe pouts.

" I don't have any interest in you Chloe," I roll my eyes.

" I don't have an interest in half of the guys I date," Chloe shrugs.

" I already have my eyes on someone," I mutter.

" A girl who probably isn't half as amazing as me. Come on Drew, we are practically our schools hottest couple," Chloe tells me.

" When have you ever been amazing? Plus we only dated for a little, leave me alone and find some other guy," I walk off.

" Is it Rosemary?" Chloe ask. I turn around and look at Chloe.

" What?" I look at her confused.

" Is it Rosemary? The girl you have your eyes on," Chloe ask again.

" Yes, it is," I nod.

" Why her? A nerd? A huge freaking geek who dresses like some wannabe rocker? She is nothing compared to me. My parents have a much more successful company than hers. Are you being forced to like her? Is this like some arranged thing?," Chloe yells.

" Nothing was arranged at all. I genuinely like Rosemary. She may be a nerd, but I don't care," I shake my head.

" Like? What are we in middle school? Drew I don't have any interest in you at all. I do not like or love you. My parents believe that our companies combined could have so much money, but you know what if you like the disgusting nerd then I'll find some other guy," Chloe glares, stomping away.

I roll my eyes and run off to find the guys. I look around the front of the school and see them all leaning against the wall. I quickly reach them and look at all their disappointed faces.

" That was your chance Drew, but you blew it like the idiot you are," Drake shakes his head.

" I forgot about the plan. Chloe caught me off guard," I explain.

" All the possible feelings Rosemary had for you could be gone," Jake shook his head.

" I know, but I need to tell her," I look at the ground.

" Then tell her," Ricky rolls his eyes.

" But where could she be?" I ask them.

" She is most likely at her house because well she said she was going there," Tyler answers,

" Okay then," I nod.

" Are you going to run?" Jake ask.

" Oh yeah, bye!" I run off. I quickly run off in the direction to Rosemary's house. As soon as I get there, I run upstairs and to her room.

I pull open the door and open my mouth, but quickly shut it. There on the bed laid Rosemary passed out. She had her mouth slightly open, with a little drool coming out from the corner of her mouth. She was still in her clothes from today.

I slowly walked over to her and grabbed the blanket, pulling it over her. As I pull it over her, she moves around a bit and snuggles into the blanket. I bend down and look at Rosemary.

" Sweet dreams Rosemary," I kiss her forehead.

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