The Talk

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Jace p.o.v
Her brothers just called me into their room to have a talk which I'm so nervous I mean what if they don't like me? I want to be able to hangout with her I just want to impresses them. "So Jace what do you like to do?  The tall one asked" "I like any kind of sport soccer, basketball, football, etc" "cool we love football too. " we talked for a little bit longer I think they like me but I'm keeping something about me from them that I don't think they are ready for when I think they are I will tell Avery first then the rest.

Sawyer p.o.v
Ugh!! Those Greasers might be expanding but what do I see here Isabella helping the them she's going to be so much help and trouble. "Hey guys looks like we need to pay a visit to our greaser pals" "why? " "looks like Isabella is buddy buddy with them" "oh that's bad if her brother was still here he would have killed her let's get her back. " we went over to the east side so sickening to be back here I hate it here let's just get here and get out of here.

Hey guys sorry it's so short I probably know you have so many questions like who's Isabellas brother, did the gang like her and Jace and what is Jace hiding don't worry you will find out very soon.

The First Girl Greaser Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon