What to do

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Avery p.o.v
I sit on mine and sofia's bed in our room poundering what to do I mean should I tell them or keep it in.  We have been going to school for the pass 2 weeks and there's an up and down side to it the up side is that I am passing all my classes and the down side is that Sawyer won't stop bullying me I just glad he doesn't know about my condition. "Aves time to go to school I hear my sisters Sofia and lily call for me" "I'm coming" I gathered my stuff and walked out to the others and we left. Once we got to school I did my usual routine got my things and walked to my first class which is history I thought to myself "umm no Sawyer today yay I'm free" just as I thought that here he comes "just great I mumble to myself" I hind in my books to make sure he doesn't see me but just my luck he did he walks over smiles evily then picks me up by my collar throws me across the room then picks up the chair throws that at me just as I thought it couldn't get worst he throws the deck at me. "Sawyer Higgins to the office now I think the teacher siad" he leaves the classroom and I'm laying there I can barely see and I felt this liquid dripping down my arms and face I touched it and I knew what it was.  The next I knew I was in the nurses office waiting for someone to pick me up now I'm scared.

Darry p.o.v
I was at work when I got a call I answerd it "hello?" "Hi I'm Mrs. Kim the schools nurse I have your sister Avery here who needs to be picked up" "okay I'll be right there" I got in the car drove the school walked in the nurses office when I saw my baby sister I almost broke down her face and arms are covered in blood and she has bumps and burses all over her. I sighed her out and helped her into the car she looks like she's going to cry I would to we got home I helped her into the house "Soda!!! I yelled for my brother" "yea- Avery!! What happened he asked in a worried voice" she doesn't say anything all she doesn't is try and stop herself from crying that's when me and Soda engulfed her in a hug "it's okay sweet your safe now I whispered in her ear." I left after a few minutes so I left her with soda to take care of her I hope she's okay.

Soda p.o.v
After Darry left I carefully cleaned avery up once I was done the door opened pony and the gang came in they were talking until lily noticed her and came over she still has cuts bumps and busies and looks kinda weak well she did lose blood. We helped her into her room and made sure she was okay Im worried about her this is bad I hope she's okay.

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