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Avery/Sofia p.o.v
So I been trying to keep cover and not let the Greasers catch me it's all ready been 3 hours and I think steve and two-bit are on to me "hey Avery can you please help me with homework asked ponyboy "no do it yourself I am sick and tired of you guys asking me for stuff." No need to be mean" I hope Avery is doing a better job than I am

Sofia/Avery p.o.v
Why did I do this I don't know these people how am I supposed to blend in with them " hey sofia can you show me those dance moves you been working on." I can't right now I am busy ok " wow I hope sofia is doing a better job than I am.

Two-bit p.o.v
Avery is acting different I don't know why she yelled at pony just because he needed help on his homework I don't know what's going on with her but I'm going to find out. "Everyone come in here " here comes Darry,Dallas,Ponyboy,Soda,and Steve wait where's Avery " I'll go get her steve said as he walked in to her room and sat her on the couch. "So Avery why did you yell at your brother I asked her" i don't know" I don't think this is the real Avery Curtis I think this is an imposter. "No it's me Avery I said trying to convince them" Then let's test you out " so Avery if that's you the recite Nothing Gold can stay um fine takes off wig " it's me sofia. Sofia where's Avery then with the socs

Later that day
Steve p.o.v
After we got Avery back it was time to switch the twins back which was harder than it seems because they are so different but we got it done " It's good to have you back kid I said to Avery as she walked into the room "it's good to be back"

Sofia p.o.v
After spending time with the Greasers the socs were wrong they are not bad people i just wish they can see what I see.

Hey guys sorry I haven't written in a while I just had a lot of things going on and stuff but what u think do u think sofia is starting to grow on the gang or not and as you saw I used steve and two-bit alot because I wanted to give them a chance to be in it we TFGG OUT Stay Gold everyone

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