Left out

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Avery p.o.v
What's going on in this house the gang is ignoring me the girls barely notice me and my brothers don't even know I'm there. I'm getting really pissed off about that it's like I'm invisible to them and I don't know why I got up and walked out of my to see my brothers talking I walk over and they didn't even notice me at all. "Oh hey kid didn't see you there soda said" "yeah no one does anymore I mumbled under my breath" "what you say I didn't hear you?" "I said no one in this house never notice me" "that's not true we see you now" as I was about to say something the gang walks In "what's up Curtis who you talkin' to? two bit asked" "see what I mean *gesturing to two*." I see what you mean sofia pony says as I get mad" that's it I'm done here I don't even know why I'm in this house when no one cares so I'm just gonna leave" with that I left the house without turning back I can't believe this Im forgotten, left out I have no idea where I'm going but what I do is that I'm mad at them.

Sofia p.o.v
As I watched that hole thing play out I can't believe they would do that and on top of that let her walk out of the house and not stopping her. "I Can't believe you just did that to your own sister" "what are you talking about your our sister" "I mean your other sister the one that left the house and you let her" "still no idea who your talking about and don't care" ugh!!! I'm going to find her and bring her back if you like it or not I'm so disappointed in you guys for this you should be ashamed" with that I walked out to try and find my sister.

Will she find her? Find out in next chapter

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