A Peaceful Picnic

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Ponyboy's p.o.v
Today is a beautiful day so we decided to go on a picnic which I think it's a great idea because I can see if I can get Avery to remember me right now she is with Lillie."alright time to go" so we decided to walk there all of the guys are in front I was up there too but I looked behind me and saw Avery all by herself. "Hey Ave's why you by yourself "" oh um I was just thinking" so we got to the park and set everything up the boys started to play football while the girls talked "hey guys look at the sunset ""sunset "Avery looked at me closed her eyes and stumbled back I caught her when she looked at me her face lit up "Wow this is a beautiful sunset isn't Pony.

Sorry I haven't written in a while and sorry this chapter is so short well I guess I will see you in the next one TFGG OUT

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