The Rumble

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Ponyboy p.o.v

So we ride down the road when Dallas steps on the gas pedal "The Churches on Fire. " I jump out and start running into the church. I break down the door. "hey pony" Johnny was behind me we went in ."I think the kids are in the back." we got to the back and started unloading kids. I went to grab one of the kids in the corner and he bit me. After we finished the roof started to cave in. I felt a tug at my arm as it pulled me out of the church. Johnny's scream can be heard as I see the church roof collapse on him. Is he ok? "Johnny!" This can't be happening.

Then blackness took over as I collapsed on the floor. The last I saw was the fire fighters pulling through the wood.

Lillie's P.o.v
So the boys just left for the rumble hope they win so I already got the first aid kit out I am just sitting here with Mickie and Avery right now Avery is a Nervous wreak she is playing with her hair."why don't we take a walk""sure "we walk out the door when we bump into Sofia cherry and Marcia we stand across from each other I'm across from cherry Avery from sofia( see what I did there )and Mickie from Marcia. Then out sudden Marcia puches Mickie in the face then the girl fight was on. About an hour later we heard screaming we were on the floor we all were passed out.

Darry P.o.v
WE WON We were on our way back when we heard moaning and ran to see the Girls knocked out Lillie had a black eye and and bloody nose Mickie had a black eye then I looked at Avery she had a black eye and bruise on her throat "I thought we looked bad check them out."what two soon " once we got to the house the girls are fully awake and Talking alot except for Avery the door opened and ponyboy walked in he looked depressed "pony what's wrong "Johnny's dead "what "I don't know he just died he told me to STAY GOLD and Dallas he's gonna blow I see tears form down Mickies face. "Ring ring ring hello hello Darrel it's me Dallas I'm in trouble that was Dallas let's go" we ran to the lot and Dallas was shot "noooo he is a kid "we all started crying when Avery was looking forward *Avery's thought* I seen a shinning thing in the ground I stepped closer and it was the bullet "it missed "lucky no one heard me.*Back to Darry P.o.v * then all of a sudden Ponyboy faints I grabbed his shirt while soda at his feet and we were trying to wake him up "is he alive ""Avery! Can you check him "so she checked his pulse and heart beat and it was good so now we are in the hospital in the waiting room . It's weird Avery is freaking out but hasn't said anything

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