Shocking news part 3

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Avery pov
We have a lot of kids in this house we have Brett, Jacob, junior, Brady, rose,david,Mackenzie, Nathan, Jodi, Luna,star. All of us are just doing are own thing excerpt for the parents which I have been helping from time to time "I need all the twins in here please" I hear dallas call for us we go into the room and see him freaking out "what's wrong Winston" Sofia asked while handing Jodi to Johnny.
" I may or may have not mixed up my kids" "what?!?! Lillie's going to kill you when she finds out" I yelled at him "not if you guys help me." With that the twins help Dallas with his problem everything was going good until I just threw up right then and there "hey Aves you okay" Sofia asked me "yeah I'm fine" "because there's only one explaination for this your pregnant" I was scared and told jace and the gang I can't believe that I have another inside me.

Soda pov
Kids here kids there why not make planet of the kids so many of them and we just found out that the last of my sisters which I never expected this would happen to is pregnant. Now when Mickie walks in she tells me the same thing and I didn't know what to do so I picked her up and spun her around and that's when we told the rest of the gang.

Jace pov
Me and avery just had our first kid which I'm so happy it was a boy we have more boys than girls in the gang. Now I found out that we are having another one which could come any mintune that's why we are in the hospital. A few seconds later our beautiful daughter is here. I showed our son his sister and he smiled and kissed her forhead.

Isabella pov
The kids are so adorable I just wish I could have that but my wish has came true. Yep I'm pregnant and pony already know so does the gang and girls. A few months pass and we are about to see our little miracle a few seconds later I felt no more pain but to open my eyes to see our little boy.

Jasper pov
Just what we need more kids I'm just hoping mine and Olivia's kid is the last one. I'm in the hospital with her right now waiting for our child to be born. A few seconds later our child is here and he is so handsome just like his father. We brought him home and introduce him to the gang and the other kids since some of the other kids are older they known how to handle babies I can't believe that we have kids and we are parents.

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