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Sofia p.o.v
I worried about avery with the bullying also her condition that can lead to a possible deaf and I don't want that. Right now I'm in school while she's at home since the last incident with Sawyer I hate him so much he's is going to pay I'm just glad he doesn't know about her condition. I walked into history and sit down the teacher knew why she wasn't there and hoped she was okay I saw him and my other sister in the hall my body started to heat up with anger as he saw me and walked over to me. "Yo what up sof" "don't call me that I yelled at him" "jeez anyway I didn't see your sister today" "and you don't need her" with that I walked away to my next class I just want to smash his head into a wall I mean it.

Lily R p.o.v
I had just made a deal with Sawyer to stop bullying my sister and to hurt me instead but he doesn't want to hurt me so I don't know whats he going to do. The next day my brothers kept her home to make sure she's alright I have a feeling that she is I heard Sawyer asking sofia where she was and all sofia told him was he doesn't need to know then left. When I looked at sofia she looked like she was worried about something but I don't know what it is but I want to find out so I can help her with whatever it is.

Avery p.o.v
I'm at home right ever since the incident the boys have been more protective of me which I understand because they want me to be safe but they take things overboard.  No seriously they have like 50 blankets on me and they try to feed me like I'm a baby I get it there are worried about me. Expecly with my condition they have to keep a close eye on me so that I'm okay cause it can lead me to lose my life.

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