Secert weapon

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Sawyer p.o.v
Those Greasers think there all that but watch I'm coming back and hard. All I need to do is find someone they won't expect but they all think he's dead but really he got the same opportunity as stupid worthless Johnny.  I went to where he was and told him everything and he agreed to help me now all we have to do is come up on how to make the Greasers hate each other so they would get mad and leave. We have the plan all we need to do is put the plan into motion and I know just how to do it.

??? P.o.v
I'm on my way to the Curtis house to visit my old emenys to see how they are doing. Once I got there is see Darry reading the newspaper Steve and soda arm wesling Dallas smoking a cancer stick ponyboy reading Johnny next to him (Johnny still a Ghost) two-bit drinking beer and eating chocolate cake. Then I see a new boy with blonde hair and brown eyes hanging out with the girls then out of nowhere I see a girl that I know "what?!?! What's Isabella my sister doing with these Greasers I can't believe she would do that to us betrayed us for them" I have to my plan into action ASAP or I'm toast.

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