Their Related

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Johnny p.o.v
I just left ponyboy to get supplies once I got back pony fell at my feet we went inside and started unloading the bag which had baloney, cigarettes, the book Gone with the wind and Candy bars. Then pony pulled out proxied and started to freak out. I tried to convince pony to let me dye his hair. After about a minute of disagreement he caved. I started cutting pony's hair.

With each strip I cut he complained it hurt. Soon after I finished and started dyeing his hair. When I dyed his hair blond he looked at me. "I look like a blasted pansy." Really a blasted pansy. I wanted to laugh but that wouldn't be the best thing right now.

I committed a murder defending myself or not. And we ran, the police are probably looking for us. I killed a socs and now I feel bad. No matter how much conflicted pain they caused. I'm a killer.

Mickie p.o.v

After my encounter with those girls from the park that day and falling out of a tree, my time here hasn't been so pleasing. I walked into the store and pulled out one of the news papers. It shows two boys on the cover. One looks really familiar but then everyone looks familiar to me.

On my way out I bumped into to someone. I looked up and saw the girls from the park. Talk about a coincidence. "I'm sorry." They looked at me as I looked down to my feet. My converse reached up to my ancle. It was a nice black and it matched with what I had on. I had my Jean shorts and grey shirt that's tied in a knot at my stomach. Over it I had my flanel shirt. My hair was up in my usual messy bun and I had my black choker on. I've always thought this style was comfortable.

I looked at there clothes. They didn't have such a bad style. They had ripped knee jeans and white shirt. And who wouldn't be able to see the leather jackets they had on. They looked cool. But me being me I don't really do the whole complaint thing. The only reason I moved back here from my grandma's was because I had got kicked out of my old school. I never back down from a fight. Then a thought came in my head."who are you guys?" They looked at me for a second until the brown head spoke. "I'm Lillie and this is Avery." The Avery girl looked about thirteen or fourteen years of age.

"You are?" They both looked at me waiting for me to give them my name. "I'm Mickie." They looked at me for a second as taking in my appearance. "What's your last name?" Lillie asked me. "Cade." She goes in suprise until the Avery girl speaks. "Do you have a brother?" I nod my head.

They look at each other as if they're having a mind talk with eachother. "Is your brothers name Johnny?" "Yes." They both hugged me. "Come with us." I followed them out the store door. And down the street we went. These girls are really wierd. First they tell me off at the park then they hug me. Talk about by polar.

Sodapop p.o.v

I am starting to get worried about my brother and Johnny. Not to long after Lillie and Avery walk through the door. Avery had some girl by the hand. She's pretty. I'm still hooked on Sandy though. Who would believe that someone I cared about and was so happy about proposing to would cheat on me. Not only that but she's having that dudes baby.

The girl meets my gaze and I quickly look away. Well great she caught me looking at her. Well that was weird "hey Ave's who your friend I asked my sister.""this is mickie,mickie this is my annoying brother Soda. "" hey he punched me in the arm". The door starts throwing up 4 boys "hey who's this sweet thing" Steve said while two-bit starts to examine her ""shut up and go fix a car or something" Avery said annoyed "this is mickie". "Mickie this is Steve two-bit Dallas and my brother Darry" "it's nice to meet you."

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