I started walking towards the rickety buildings of the ghost town with G following behind me, his eye sockets searching the windows and streets for any danger. The main street had dirt over it with weeds poking out through cracks in the concrete here and there. Shops along the sidewalks all had broken windows and dark interiors that made my skin crawl with unease. It felt like someone was watching us . . .

"Check this out!"

I turned around and saw G looking through a store window and pointing at something inside. The sign above the building was caked in dust but I could just make out the words "Pet Store" on the sign. I jogged over and peered through the window to see the thing that he had been pointing to.

It were the corpses of puppies that had been left to die in the display case.

A strangled cry of horror came out of my throat as I staggered away with wide eyes and emptied my stomach into a nearby bush that was growing out of an alley. I continued to retch for the next two minutes with G calling out comforting words several feet away from me. I couldn't blame him. I'd probably do the same thing if someone started throwing up.

Once I finally stopped, my head was dizzy and a disgusting aftertaste was left on my tongue. Thankfully, none of my upchucked food had gotten on my clothes and I was able to wipe the rest of what remained on my mouth away with my hand. "You okay?" G asked when I finally turned around, my face drained of color. "Yep, never been better," I answered sarcastically, making sure not to look in the display case again.

G and I continued to walk through the ghost town, my SK/C face taking on more color and my head clearing a bit. I tightened the straps on my bag and readjusted the arm band on my bicep through my jacket. The two of us walked in silence down the road for a few minutes before I cleared my throat and opened my mouth to speak.

"I never thanked you for getting me outta there back in the alley, and I—I'm sorry for getting caught. The lady who I tried to steal a gold charm from was smart enough to rig the charm to start making a buzzing noise when it was pulled off." I shoved my hands into my jacket pockets. "Heh, guess I wasn't as good as a pick-pocketer like I thought I was." I glanced over at G, seeing that he was still looking forward with a blank expression.

"So, yeah, I'm an idiot and you were right to tell me not to go when I did." No reaction. That's when I remembered. "Sorry for screaming at the police about you coming to attack me, that was stupid and I'm a jerk." A small smile appeared on G's face as he glanced over at me. "Apology accepted, but if you do that again, I'll teleport us both away where I'll beat the living daylights outta you." I let out a laugh. "Okay, I'll try to stay outta trouble then." G snorted. "That's—"

His words were interrupted by the ground suddenly springing up around us, a small net trapping us in its clutches where we hung twenty feet in the air. I let out a short scream of surprise as I was suddenly pressed up against G, our bodies entangled in the net. "What the hell?!" he shouted, trying to twist out of the trap we had walked into.

"Freeze! Move and you get shot!"

G and I froze, staring at each other in fear and confusion. What was going on? "Put your hands where I can see them! Now!"

We did as they said, raising our hands above our heads where we grabbed onto the net to support our weight. I was probably crushing G. "Um, if you don't mind me asking—" "Don't speak either!" I raised an eyebrow, some of my fear ebbing away. "Okay, look, I dunno who you are or why we're in a freaking net, but I would really appreciate it if you let us go." I let out a snort. "We're not trying to blow up a building like a bunch of terrorists if that's what you think we are."

I looked down to see three people with guns raised and pointing at us, their faces and bodies concealed by black clothing. Oh boy. "State your business, why are you here?" G shifted a bit in the net to try and get me off his ribs, turning his skull so that he could see the three people below us. "We're just passing though, didn't think the place would be rigged." One of the people below us pointed his gun at G's skull. "Why are you passing through?" Bunch of stalkers.

"We're traveling to the Monster Capital to—" "Monster Capital! You are one of them!" My eyes widened when I heard the safety on the guns get turned off. "No! No we're not! We're trying to go save someone from the Monster Capital Guard! We swear!" I shouted, my heart pounding in my chest. I squirmed a bit in the net and looked down to see the person in the middle make a hand motion that got the other two people to lower their weapons.

The sound of rope being chopped off sounded somewhere above us, and I barely had time to scream before I was sprawled on the ground with G beneath me letting out groans of pain. I got off of G and helped him up, turning to the figures and drawing my knife. They didn't seem fazed by my weapon. That was understandable, I mean, they had guns.

"Why the hell did you trap us in a net?" I demanded, putting on my best intimidating look.

The person in the middle reached up and pulled back their hood, revealing the face of a nineteen-year-old girl with honey brown eyes and a round face with a few faint freckles dotting her rosy pale cheeks. She had waist length hair that was made up of thick curls, the roots a dark brown while the tips were a soft purple, her hair taking on an ombré effect. She was tall for her age and had a fit body with strong looking legs and arms. Her mouth was pressed into a thin line with her dark eyebrows furrowed, a look of authority in the way she stood.

"We suspected you were both from either the Human or Monster Capital. We're sorry for the inconvenience of your travels and—" "Who are you?" Sure, she was intimidating, but I wasn't gonna have her boss me around. She closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath before opening them again. "Who we are does not concern you." I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. "You caught us in a net and pointed weapons at us, I think we deserve to know who you are."

The girl looked like she wanted to strangle me but she somehow resisted and rolled back her shoulders. "Fine," she spat out. "We are called the Persistence. We're a group of rebels set on taking down the Human and Monster Capital for the good of all races—monsters and humans alike." She smiled proudly, hefting her gun in one arm while putting the other on her hip.

"So when you say you want to take down the Human and Monster Capital, do you mean you hate them?" She rolled her eyes. "Yes." I smiled at her. "We're practically best friends, then." A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips before she bobbed her head slightly and let out a breath. "Again, we are sorry for trapping you both in the net. You may pass freely though the town and be on your way."

The other two soldiers turned to leave with the girl following them, her purple ombré hair flowing behind her. "Wait!" I called, running forward and grabbing the girl's arm. G let out a huff of annoyance behind me but I ignored him, focusing on the girl as she turned around with a questioning look. "Yes?"

With a hopeful look on my face, I opened my mouth and asked, "Could you, maybe, possibly, please, take us to your base?"

+ + +

This chapter with mostly a filler chapter to introduce a new character and new setting. Oh, do you like the girl? Her name will be revealed next chapter along with a bunch of other new characters.

((Btw this is what she looks like))

((If you read my art book, you know who this is))

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((If you read my art book, you know who this is))

Song: Audien - Crazy Love ft. Deb's Daughter

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