just wow

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My dear readers, this is not how I wanted to update. So recent events of Camila.... leaving Fifth Harmony. My heart is extremely broken and I've been sobbing for who knows how long. We all knew it was gonna happen but it doesn't mean it hurts. I don't really know what's gonna happen, and I hope the ache in my heart goes away, but who knows really. I sure wasn't expecting today. 2017 please be good to us.

Not sure after the past few hours when I'll update, but hopefully soon. Thank you guys for waiting patiently for an update, and this might not be what you're expecting. I still love Camila with all my heart but my heart feels betrayed and really hurt.

I love you guys to the dearest, and I hope everything is okay for you. If you wanna talk about it, go ahead.

-Mariana ):)

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