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"Look at them!"


"So fucking cute, what the hell."

"Dinah, it's not even six in the morning, too early for cursing."

Camila started arousing from her deep sleep when she heard the hushed voices a few feet away from her. She blinked her eyes slowly, the pressure of sleep still weighing on her body and mind. She noticed that the room was a blue hazy color, similar to the same shade when her and Lauren went out for an adventure one night before. The sun was barely up before her.

She picked up her head and turned towards the sound of hushed bickering voices, hooded chocolate eyes with sleep evidently showed when she made eye contact with three frozen still girls. Normani and Ally had their mouths parted in shock, their hair slightly tossed from bed, while Dinah's face was hidden behind her phone, the brunette saw the blinding light of the flash from her phone coming from the hole and the undeniable sound of a loud click.

Camila covered her eyes with a sluggish movement of her hand, the light effecting her eyes, leaving her seeing white spots behind her eyelids. She groaned quietly, before snuggling her head back into the comfortable spot she was before she was roused from sleep.

She noticed that her "spot" was a lot more softer, and warmer than originally. She rose her head again a bit, glancing down below her was no other than the green eyed beauty sound asleep a few inches away from her face. Her dark hair was sprawled, the depth of her green eyes shut behind her eyelids, and a small pout on her plump lips as she slept. Brown eyes widened in surprise, the memories of only a few hours ago coming back to her. She remembered asking Lauren to hold her, which led her to be the little spoon, Lauren wrapping an arm around her before falling asleep.

Now, the brunette was practically on top of her. Their legs were intertwined together, a lone blanket covering them from the waist down, Lauren's arms draped across the brunette waist loosely, the steady rise of her chest as she was still heavily asleep as showed, unbothered that the other girl was on top her like dead weight.

Camila inaudibly gulped, trying to smoothly pry herself off the green eyed girl. But when she made an attempt to move, Lauren absentmindedly let out an incoherent mumble and gripped Camila waist tighter, pulling her closer to her chest subconsciously. Camila halted and gave up with her movements, letting her head rest back to the crook of Lauren neck with a sigh.

She heard three silent giggles behind her, she didn't care anymore as she let herself succumb in the warmth of Lauren's arms again. Letting her brown eyes flutter behind her eyelids, falling asleep once more in a matter of a few seconds.


A few hours later, Camila eyes fluttered open again. But instead of blue haze in the early hours, she was met with morning sunshine seeping through the blinds and onto her skin. Noticing that Dinah and Normani were still sound asleep, the Polynesian's foot practically up into the ebony skinned girl's face, Ally no where to be seen, Camila snorted in amusement. She also noticed the sunlight made the room glow with a earthy vibe, the pale peach on the walls now almost coconut in a sense. Camila tried to stretch her limbs, but stopped when she felt arms still wrapped surely around her waist.

Not wanting to wake the sleeping girl up, she tried to pry herself off the girl in attempt again. When she did so in slow movements, successfully maneuvering without any reactions from the green eyed girl, she mentally congratulated herself and walked into the kitchen.

She was met with the aroma of pancakes when she stepped foot into kitchen. Camila took an intake of breath, obviously liking the savoring smell. Ally stood in the kitchen behind the countertop flipping pancakes one by one, fixing up breakfast for all the girls, humming a song as she went along.

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