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1:56 AM

Bookmarking the page I stopped on, I put down my copy of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' on the nightstand next to me. Switching off the light with a flick, letting my body relax into the bed sheets.

With my head resting against the pillow, my own brunette tresses sprawled out on the pillow, I let my mind linger over earlier's events, reminiscing of the green eyed girl. Her eyes like emeralds, with shades of colors within. She was such a breathtaking beauty. When she smiled it was so captivating. Her facade as a 'badass skater girl' was there, but she was also sweet. Her smug look was mischievous yet, attractive. She made Dinah and I so happy. Joking around with us, making us laugh till we couldn't breathe. We only knew her for a few hours, but it felt like we were friends for years. Prior after those few hours, we had to part. Exchanging numbers with each other, Dinah and I went back to my parents' beach house, while Lauren went elsewhere.

At the sound of my phone buzzing, it snapped me out of my thoughts. Leaning over and grabbing it from my nightstand, I pressed the home screen. The immediate bright light blinded my face, making my eyes hurt. I swiped up, turning the brightness all the way down. After my eyes adjusted, I looked at the notification. Seeing that it was a new message from Lauren, I felt my heart skip a beat.

[green eyes - 2:07]
Hey, you still awake?

yea, i'm still awake.

Uncertain of why she was texted me at a time like this, I waited for her to reply, looking at the grey three dots in the bottom left corner.

Are you up for an adventure?


Now I was confused, it was practically in the middle of the night. The world was at sleep.

Just send me your address, trust me.

um, okay.

Okay I'll admit, that was a pathetic. Puzzled, I sent her the address of the beach house.

what do you need my address for?

After a minute, I got no reply from her.


Still no reply from her.

No longer then a few minutes later, there was a tapping sound at my window. My eyes widened, alert and scared, nerves stuffing my spine, I grabbed the nearest thing I could find.

My lamp.

Okay, maybe it wouldn't do any real damage. They weren't gonna scatter away in vulnerability.

I tiptoed to the windowsill, feeling my heart thump in my chest, I cautiously pulled back my banana curtains with my left hand, raising the lamp, ready to strike.

On the other side of the window, was an amused and grinning Lauren.

Sighing in relief, feeling the nerves loosen in my spine, but left bewildered how she got to my window, I was on the second floor. Opening the latch, I pulled up the window, as Lauren pops into my room. Clad in the same clothes as earlier, snapback on her head, her right hand gripping her skateboard, she turned to me.

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