AP: Shikamaru (Pt 3)

Start from the beginning

we went out to a nearby Applebee's. didnt wanna go to a bar, but also didnt want to not be able to drink. perfect in between. felt good to be able to not have the coat on and still be warm. "i...i miss the coat," shika whispered, his grip on my hand tightening. "hey, how else are we gonna leave?" i grinned. "so what have you guys been up to? i know your lives must have been more boring than mines over the past few months," he said, taking a sip of beer. "nothing much. just living life together. under the same roof all this time. just bought a new car. told each other we loved each other for the first time. sold the old car and used the money towards the newer one i got outside," i said. "oh you think you slick for slipping that in there. im glad though. honestly didnt think id see you guys ever again. id think you guys were married by the time we crossed paths again," he said. "marriage? who said anything about marriage?" my face felt hot. all of a sudden the ring felt alot heavier in my back pocket. shika chuckled nervously, his blush darker than mine. "shit. i swear seeing you guys makes a lonely guy like me feel like shit. i mean...why cant i have that?" he grunted. "you have to talk to someone, kido. actually start a conversation," shika said. "its clear that i cant do nothing like that. i spent the last few days of my break waiting for something from you guys. i dont have no friends. no boyfriend. shit. im lonely as fuck!" he said, flailing his arms for emphasis. "hey, man. just calm down. one way you can get friends is through greek life. join a frat," shika suggested. "my school doesnt have greek life. never has. i was thinking about joining a sport so of course the school would wanna get rid of those too. clubs.....trust me. you dont wanna join a club at Hebi unless you looking for people to study with. aint no party people at that overly serious school," he downed his glass. i looked at shika. he just shrugged. "you could hang out with us?" he said. kido looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "really? its THAT easy? surely there is some right of passage," he grunted. "you can never have too many friends," shika said simply. he grinned. "well hot damn! i got me some friends!" he said, more excited about something so simple. eh.....as long as he his happy. im all good.

ended up talking until the restaurant was closed. he was very expressive. lots of moving hands and attempts at making visuals through gestures. it was very entertaining just to watch the guy. not to mention what he was actually saying. loads of jokes and well placed puns had us rolling the entire time. i think the guys would like him. great addition to the party. after enjoying our meal, we went on ahead and went home, waving goodbye to kido on the way to the car.

"hey babe..." we were finally back in our bed at home. all warm and comfy. just relaxing in our undies cuddled up. "yeah," he whispered. "i was thinking about our chat with kido and--" "no. im not doing another foursome so you can forget it. you are all the man i need," he said quickly. "no, no. i completely agree but that's not what i was talking about," i said. he rolled over in my embrace and hovered over me. "what?" he asked. "well.....i was thinking about how he had said 'i honestly thought you guys would have been married next time i saw you' and..." his eyes widened as i reached into the top drawer of the night stand and pulled out the box. "...i know its only been a few months and it would be impossible to actually have the ceremony and its not impossible for you to not say yes and im hoping you would but i guess i cant blame you so i think that even though we cant actually be married, i figured we could go with the next best thing and be engaged the next time we see him?" i opened the box, presenting the ring to him. "im....im not even gonna pretend to start to comprehend the long ass sentence you just said but if the phrase 'shika will you marry me?' in any form was in there, then its a yes," he took the ring and slid it on his finger. "well if it's any consolation, i had actually planned to propose in a different way," i said. he raised a brow. i pulled him on top of me. he rested his hands on my chest. "what?" he asked. "shikamaru nara, your warmth is just tooo addicting. i was wondering if you would mind....being my cuddle buddy for life?" i said. he busted out laughing. "what? you would have laughed if i would have proposed that way? that's fucked up," i pouted. he kissed me harshly, moving his legs to straddle me. kiss got pretty heated quickly. i felt that poke in my stomach. he pulled away a little, putting his forehead against mines. "i would've said yes however you would have proposed," he growled against my lips. i grinned. "oh? so....if i would have asked you after i enjoyed this..." i grabbed both cheeks with my hands. he blushed. i felt him leaking precum. "for two plus hours, you would've still said yes?" i raised a brow. he chuckled evilly. "why dont you wait till after and see what my answer is?"

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now