Chapter 21

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Becca's pov

I sighed as the ringtone of my phone went of once again. The church was just out and I was drinking coffee with Ethan.

"Are you not gonna take that?"

"Nope." I replied "It's probably Tyler, again."

"What actually happened between you and her?" Ethan asked concerned.

I shrugged my shoulders as I didn't want to explain it to him. "What did happen to you nose? I was already wondering that yesterday." I changed the subject.

He seemed taken back by my answer. His cheeks turned red "Um... well, it's really embarrassing, but I accidentallly hit my nose when I tried to open the door.

"You are such a klutz." I laughed.

"I am." He laughed "I have talked to Nathan. We can leave in two and a half week. They are arranging our marriage for over four weeks, right after Christmas."

"Okay, cool."I sipped from my coffee "I'm gonna do some groceries. Wanna come with me?"

"Uh nope. It's Sunday." Ethan frowned.

"Yeah and we also went out for coffee. What's the difference?" I rolled my eyes as I put on my jacket.

"Yeah well, I'm just going home." Ethan also stoop up and we went our own ways after that. I grabbed the bus and stepped out at Walmart. I got myself a shopping cart as I had a lot of groceries to do. I was just walking around the store when I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. 


"Hi Rebecca." She smiled softly "How are you doing, girl?"

"Just okay. Are you here without your better half?"

"You mean Tyler or Romeo?" She laughed at herself "Sorry, um Romeo is with me but he is looking at Christmas decorations right now and he could look at them for hours."

"Really? He's a Christmas kind of person?" I asked surprised.

"Yep." She nodded "Hey, now that we're here, do you mind grabbing a coffee with me? Romeo is too obsessed with the Christmas village's that he won't notice that I'm gone."

"I don't know." I bit my lip awkwardly.

"My treat? I won't talk too much about Tyler?" She pleaded.

"Okay." I finally agreed and just a few minutes later we were at Starbucks, not caring about the shopping cart I had left in the middle of Walmart.

"So..." Julia sipped from her green tea "Are you going back to the Amish now that you and Tyler aren't together anymore?"

"I'm planning on. I don't really have a reason to stay, have I? Ethan and I are returning in two and a half week. I'm going to marry him in four weeks." The realization suddenly hit me as I spoke it out. I was going to marry Ethan in just four weeks. I only had two and a half weeks until my life would be... well... over.

"You got to be kidding me, right?! You are really gonna give up your life for that asshole. Maybe you're broken up with Tyler right now, but there are probably tons of other girl, who can make you happier than Ethan. He set the breakup between you and Tyler, for fucks sake." Julia clasped her hands for her mouth as if she had just said something she shouldn't .

"Ethan set it up? What do you mean?" I frowned.

"You didn't know, did you?" She sighed "Ethan has threatened Tyler before, you know that. He threatened to do something that would push her away from you and that's exactly what he did with the note and the pictures. He probably knows how attached you are to honesty and well, Tyler hasn't been entirely honest with you, but you must know that she did it because she was afraid to lose you, not to hide it from you. Tyler's a good person and what you did last night at 'babel' was so not cool."

"True." I agreed "But what did happen to Tyler and her sister?"

Julia tapped with her fingers on the table as she was thinking. "I don't feel like that's my story to tell. But it's for a good cause, I guess."

I sucked on my thumb before she started telling the real story.

"Okay it was June 2011, the summer before our senior year. Tyler and had been best friends all ever since could remember. We were more like sister than Tyler and her actual sister, Heather. Heather was two years older and already in college, but home for the summer. You could say that Heather was the perfect child in their parents eyes. She had been a cheerleader, was majoring in Psychology and had a boyfriend, who she he had met in church. Tyler is the complete opposite of her. She was playing basketball in high school, not really that good at school and gay. Her parents never really paid much attention to her. Heather was their favorite child. Tyler knew that, but she didn't blame Heather. One day, she wanted to take Heather out for dinner, just to make their bond stronger. It was on their way back, when it started raining. it rained really hard, especially for the California weather. Tyler was driving and their where on top of a mountain when the tires stopped working and the slipped of the road. Heather was death, immediately. Tyler just had a few small injuries, but her parents had always blamed her for Heathers death, though the police investigation showed the contrary. Her parents just wanted to get rid of Tyler and sent her to an institution. Tyler has always felt guilty and ashamed, I guess that why she didn't tell you the truth. She just needed one person in her life, who didn't know about it."

"That's so sad. I should've listened to her." I rubbed my fore-head "But that doesn't explain why Ethan did it."

"Well, like I said before he had already threatened Tyler, but the real proof was there when she left your apartment after the fight. Ethan was standing there, listening and he grinned. Tyler knew immediately that he must have done it and he admitted it. She punched him in the face and stormed off." Julia explained.

"Oh my." My eyes grew big "That explains the swelling on his nose. What an asshole."


"I need to see Tyler."

"Of course." Julia grinned "Let's go. I'll drive you."

We just got into her car when her phone started ringing. We saw it was Romeo and she immediately put on the loudspeaker.

"Julia? Honey? Where are you? I have found perfect five extensions for our Village, but I can't found and I really, really want to show them to you." He yelled excitedly.

"Sorry babe, I'm on my way to Tyler with Becca."


Love you, guys. You all are the best for reading, voting and commenting. I mean like it's chapter 21 and you're  still here, yas.

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