41: Time finally rolls on

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Early chapter to excuse all my late ones. Hope this one is long enough for you readers!

I struggled to my feet as I was wrenched out of the memories once again, and this time, instead of behind suspended in mid-air, I had a pair of metal manacles that circled around my wrists. Nyx sat in front of me, a serene expression on her face, but I knew that the moment she looked at me with her haunting eyes, I would see the shadows of her Mansion, and the pale gaunt face that was mine full of misery.

"So, Arthella, how have you been?" she asked.

"Good enough to strangle you with your own shadows, bitch." I snarled in return.

"No need to be hasty, girl. I see you are still sane. I am glad. I knew you would make it through."

"Made it through barely. All because of you. My entire life has been ruined. Because of you. My sister, dead. My name, a ghost. My soul, tortured to the brink. All because of you."

She glanced at me like she was admiring her handiwork, and I looked down to avoid her glance. "Beautiful, isn't it? To be forgotten, shamed, feared. I was like you too. I was the first of the Primordials. Because before Day, there was Night. I was the first born of Chaos. Before my brothers Ouranos, Tartarus, Erebus, Aether and Pontus. Before my sisters, Hemera, Thalassa, Gaia. I was the eldest of Primordials." Her eyes glazed as she went into her memories and speeches, and I used this to turn my hand into the paw of a wolf, slowly picking away the chains that restricted me. "I was once an angel, bright and powerful, but all that comes up must come down. I was discarded into the depths of my brother Tartarus, along with all the others Gaia and Ouranos deemed dark. Erebus and I rotted away in the darkness, while my children and sister and brother, Aether and Hemera, were the lights of the mortal world. This is what Gaia did to me."

"Then why avenge her?" I asked, still picking away, "when she did this to you?"

"I do not avenge her. I seek my own goals. Gaia was a hypocrite. First, she killed her own husband and brother because her children were thrown into Tartarus, the same way we were. Then, her younger children throw her elder children back into Tartarus just as they were free. Even worse, she blindly let her son create havoc over the world, and instead courted Tartarus, the reason she killed Ouranus and sentenced me and Erebus to his pits." Nyx was fuming slightly. "And I built my mansion next to the voids themselves. Chaos was my father and I reclaim my birth right to rule this world. Atlas?"

"Yes my lady." Atlas lumbered in from the shadows, holding the unconscious body of Tom. "General Thomas challenged me to a battle to test and hone his skills. He attacked first, and I had to fight back for the Ancient Laws restrict me to."

"That is fine. Leave him to me. You, Gaia's offspring, guard the whelp."

I laughed inside. First we're alike. Now I'm a whelp. Congratulations Nyx to be the most contradicting and confusing person in the world! The chains around my wrist clicked open the moment Nyx's presence left the cavern, and Atlas glanced at me. "No shadows?"

"Nyx thinks I'm too weak to use my powers currently. She's half true. Where's Lady Hecate?"

"Here." Hecate was still pale from her encounter under the sky. "Shall I proceed, demigod?"

"As you wish." Hecate and Atlas disappeared, back to Olympus, and I knew it wouldn't be long to realise two godly/titanly presences had left Mount Othrys. With my abilities, I twisted the knobs as I had seen Nyx do, and the air buzzed in my ears, as time continued to flow as it should. Turning into pure thought, I vanished, speeding as fast as I could away from the mountain, before I landed next to the highway, wheezing. A car stopped next to me, revealing a man that looked slightly familiar. Where had I seen him before.

"Hello?" he said. "Where did you come from? You look like one of my daughter's friends."

Daughter's friends?

It was Professor Chase.

"Professor Chase?" I asked weakly. "I'm Percy's sister. Could you get me to your house? I need to find Annabeth as soon as possible."

"Yes, of course. I was just on my way to receive one of my other biplanes, since I ordered one a week ago. Come on, come on."

Soon, I had reached the Chase residence, and an Asian woman came to open the door. Seeing the state that I was in, covered in blood and scratches, my clothes torn, it must have been a big surprise. "Frederick, what did you bring back now?"

"Ms Helen Chase? I'm your daughter's friend, Percy's sister. Could I possibly borrow your bathroom?"

"I'll prepare some snacks for you. You look famished." She nodded quickly, probably telling herself to stop thinking and just do.

That was true, I was pretty hungry. Now that time had continued to flow again, all my hunger accumulated from the 10 years had dawned on me. "Thank you." I gasped and headed inside, entering the bathroom. It seemed so long since I had touched running water, and it healed my skin, but some of the wounds were too old, too deep, and I felt every single scar that ran down my body, a token of war that I did not want to receive. A quick shower revitalized me again, and after proving to me that I could no longer Iris Message for real, I found a sewing kit in one the cupboards, and began to try and sew my jacket together again. To my astonishment, the moment the thread touched the jacket, the jacket began to knit itself together again.

Thank you, Calypso. I said to myself, and soon all my clothes were no longer torn. Clipping up my hair into a quick bun as my hair automatically dried, I came down the stairs, and I had to say even Professor Chase looked astounded that a young girl that just looked half dead looked perfectly healthy just by going to the toilet. As I ate with Matthew and Bobby, Annabeth's adorable twin brothers, they pestered me with strange questions that reminded me that I was still human, that I still had a connection to the mortal world.

"So who are you?" Bobby asked. I had managed to distinguish which one was Bobby and which one was Matthew, since Matthew had a slightly lower voice, even though they both sounded squeaky. Also, Bobby was always whining, while Matthew was fast to oblige to their parents.

"I'm Thea, you're sister's friend. I'm also Percy's little sister."

"Will Percy and Annabeth get married?" Matthew then asked.

"I hope so." I answered, chuckling a bit. "Everyone does."

"Where's Annabeth?"

"Back in New York, of course."

"Will Percy bring us to the beach again?"

"Percy brought you to the beach?" Helen came in with a tray of newly baked cookies, and I watched in bewilderment, munching on a sandwich in the meantime.

"Uh oh. Run!" The two twins scattered away, hiding behind their dad's chair, away from me and Helen. "Daddy protect us! Mommy found out that Percy brought us to the beach!"

"How did you even get to the beach? The door never opened when you two were alone." Asked Helen, setting down the tray on the table as I eagerly nibbled on one of them.

"This pale guy with dark eyes and a smile like this." Matthew made a face.

"Who walked around like this." Bobby walked around in a stalking kind of way around Professor Chase's seat.

"Brought us there."

"It was so cool. It was whoosh whoosh pow! We were there in a second."

I sighed as Helen and Frederick Chase looked confused. "Nico brought them to the beach, from their descriptions. The only people that could have brought them to the beach like that would be my friend Dom, which is highly unlikely because Dom and Percy never talk to each other, and I had been keeping Dom on a leash so that he wouldn't go and creep out people, or Nico, who happens to be like my brother's little brother, although Nico is older than all of us here and is his cousin. So it has to be Nico. I'll go talk to him about it when I see them, so now..." I took a bag out of my pocket, (no idea how it got there, probably Leo's idea), and took some of the cookies and sandwiches. "Thanks for the food, see you later. I'm in a huge rush." Popping one in my mouth, I vanished again, speeding towards Camp Jupiter, but not before I heard Bobby and Matthew shout something I wished I would hear more.

"Magic! She's so lucky!"

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