14: Two demigods turn into two beasts

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"Zeus!" I cursed as I tripped on the stairs down to the hotel lobby. I may have my natural athleticism, but when you just got stabbed, it's not exactly very easy to walk. Dom held my elbow to steady me, but we both knew even if he supported me all the way, it was going to be impossible to get through the labyrinth. I could barely walk, so don't even mention I giant maze that moved and lived on itself. Not my cup of tea right now.

"We're gonna have to get a plane." said Max. "Leah, can you do your celebrity-parent thing again and get us some first class tickets to Petrolia?"

"You can get a plane to Petrolia?" asked Tom, jogging up to us. "Isn't that a country?"

"Max, no. First of all, our time was messed up. Secondly, it is totally YOUR fault that we're way to North. It's not the 18th, luckily. It's still the 14th, which means we have one week at the max to reach California, ask for some giant eagles from Reyna and Frank..."

"How are you saying "ask for some giant eagles" so casually! And they're Roman. They have pride. Reyna especially will not let a Greek daughter of Love come waltzing in for an eagle." I retorted.

"Any idea that's better, Thea?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, I go? I'm on the best terms with her. Plus, Dom can come as well, maybe that'll help convincing Hazel to convince Frank. Better in smaller groups, right?" I said.

"Except for the fact that the prophecy said that we might split." Max counted off, "and that the traitor will die, and that there's gonna be a Day vs Night showdown. And the fact that the only way to kill Nyx is through merciless rage."

I tried not to speak after he said 'merciless rage.' I knew what that was going to mean. It meant that I was going to kill her, in a merciless rage that she killed my sister. I tried to keep the side of me roaring to destroy Nyx inside, but when the time came, my worst side would give in, and Nyx would go down. Or I hoped. My fatal flaw was balance, a need for equality, which would be strange because I had the blood of two enemies, Athena and Poseidon, inside me.

"It's a possibility." I answered finally, "but I'm the daughter of Athena here. We will take down Nyx my way, and first, we have to find the traitor, kill the Ares sisters and get to California."

A cold breeze suddenly tickled my neck, and I whirled around eye to eye with Rayn. "Well you're a clever one." she smiled and her spear appeared in her hands. A bronze shield appeared on her right hand, and she winked at me. "Champion versus champion, chica. Fight to the death."

I remembered what Thalia had taught me. Disarm her from her shield first. Then it'll be easier to get her. I nodded in my head, and advanced towards her. Silver energy erupted from me as I stood before her, and she grinned, bursting into red flames as she did a front flip and landed in front of me. The blessing of Ares.

Alice was no where to be seen.

I didn't even know what I was doing as my body reflexes took over. I took out two hunting daggers, leaving my bow, hunting knife and arrows in my quiver. My pain seemed to disappear and I lunged to meet her. She bared her teeth at me, and I saw her teeth all sharp, like a monster. Swiping with my daggers, she dodged it and rammed into me. I went in for a stab but she blocked it with her shield, and my other hand went to cut her spear shaft. As I expected, she blocked it with ease, but forgot that my first dagger was against her shield. Swinging my arms as hard as I could, I pushed her to the floor and her shield went flying, narrowly missing a pale-faced Max.

Snarling, she started an onslaught with her spear, swiping it at me as a blocked it with the flat of my blade. Suddenly, she slammed her spear into the floor and it grew into a full-sized staff, whacking it at me. I froze at her change and continued to press forward, before taking one of the daggers and throwing it at her. Needing to dodge, she inched to a side, and I used her instability to break her spear in half. I did not expect it to erupt into energy, blowing me backwards. My silver shield had gone down the moment I dropped to the floor, so it at least softened my blow. 

Blood bloomed at my arms where the energy had struck it, but I felt nothing. Rayn growled in anger, and she dropped to all fours, claws forming from the two bangles on each wrist. I smirked and shrunk into a wolf, and she smirked at me. I took her claws and slammed her around, my head dodging her teeth (fangs?) and I shot a bolt of energy at her chest. She slammed into the ground and I repeatedly punched her in the face, occasionally shoving my claws through her face. Tears streamed down my cheeks, pretending that she was Nyx, before an arm grabbed my back. 

I looked up, and I saw it was Dom, comforting me as all my feelings built inside poured out, muttering inside. I looked around and saw Alice Blade next to Rayn's body, cradling it in her arms, before dissolving into shadows.

Then I heard a scream, as Alice's murderous eyes glared at me, and after grabbing a surprisingly calm Thomas, flashed away.

"I think this was enough for today."

I think that was enough for today, since my laptop percentage is at 7% right now. Adios munchkin

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