30: Calm before the storm

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"Have some fun. Go to the shopping mall. Go to the beach? Just let yourself be as calm as you can be before the, you know..." Thalia said, determined to get me out of the camp. "Now go, go go! Spend some quality time..."

"Like we're gonna die young, which we probably will!" sang Leo, who was trying out flying from sending streams of fire to boost himself up with a headstart from Jason. 

"Shut it Valdez!" yelled Thalia, before turning back to us. "Now shoo, shoo."

I sighed and made my way towards the nearest shopping mall, East Baybridge Shopping Centre. Dom and Leah followed closely with me, while Max immediately ran towards the nearest Apple Shop, taking a Mac-book immediately and started to enter hacking codes, and accessed the nearby surveillance cameras and quickly attached the link onto his phone, and began to watch others through the surveillance cameras.

"What in Olympus do you need surveillance for?" I asked, as he happily scrolled through his feeds.

"It's fun! I can see where all the jocks and cheerleaders are so I can avoid them, and I can hack the speakers and you know..."

I fiddled with the satchel, not used to the familiar bow on my back, and subconsciously twisted the emerald gems on my silver belt, careful not to twist it all the way in case I accidentally turned them back into the daggers they actually work. Leah was also playing with a pendant on her neck, the shape of a dove, Leo's form of a joke. "Why do we have to disguise our weapons anyways?" Leah lowered her voice at the world weapons.

"The Mist is gone. The mortals know about the gods, but they don't know about the demigods. Luckily, the monsters have all been summoned to Nyx so there isn't any world wide panic attacks." Dom explained. "Don't give that look Thea, I'm smart. Just dumb around you."

"Correction: you're trying to impress your girl." said Max, twirling his phone around. "Let's go to the third floor. I want to piss of some jocks."

"Why?" was the immediate response from us 3, before Emily came skipping up to us. "Because he wants to piss them off so that they'll get mad and they'll pick a fight with him which means with you so that you'll beat him up and hey you just beat up some stupid jocks that are messing with other's life so win win."

"How do you say so much?" I asked. "I've asked you that so many times."

"I'm skillful." she replied, before skipping off. "I'll go catch their eyes, Max, you'll be the nerdy kid."

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"You'll get it, blondie." I said, before heading towards the edge of the platform. "Who's going up the fun way?"

"What fun way?" Dom asked as I flipped myself onto the floor above, and then the other one. "Oh, I see." He followed my footsteps, and soon we were hanging from the railing, watching a bunch of footballers in their red sweatshirts, with a flirtatious Emily flitting in between that, patting their backs, blowing kisses, doing everything Emily would usually glare and joke about.

I watched as Leah and Max came into view, with Leah going all the way Aphrodite style. "Aphro-kid." I muttered, and Dom chuckled. 

"Well hello kiddo." said one of the jocks, "do you need glasses, or do you just squint. Am I that hot boys? Am I?"

The rest of the jocks nodded and whooped in agreement. "You're the hottest dude in California, Matt. Even hotter when you were back in the Big Apple."

Emily put on a shocked look. "You're a Brooklyn Boy? Eww. I don't date boys from the East. G-r-oss..." She skipped over to Max, "though this nerd seems suitable enough. Don't you think?"

They had began to head over towards the library, which the jocks surprisingly followed, their eyes following the skipping figure of Emily. Her entire body seemed to be into the act, except for her eyes. Those lime green eyes, I could read any day. They shone with anger and disgust, and a bit of excitement.

I flipped myself onto the floor, and hid behind a pillar. Dom followed suit, and we slowly walked out, holding hands and giggling, before we stopped behind them. Matt looked straight at me. "Hey pretty girl. My house 8 o'clock. Meet you there."

"Uh, no." I said. "You look like a hairless gorilla."

Matt ignored me and looked into the library. "A library, huh? Not as a good as a gym. No muscular bodies, no discipline..."

Max interrupted. "No marching in line, no double-digit IQs..." all five of us burst out laughing. Matt definitely stood no chance against the high-IQ Max, who grinned triumphantly.

"Oh, I'll get you for that." Matt began to head towards Max, swinging up a punch as he walked, only for Emily to block the punch and wrench it back at him. Matt's goons filed behind him, ten in total. Easy peasy.

"Nobody. Touches. My. Friend." Emily gritted, kicking one of them where the sun doesn't shine, but Emily wasn't very well trained. Yet. Matt held her by her neck and his goons surrounded Emily, before Matt looked over Emily.

"You'll know when to submit." he spat in her face, "let's teach her a lesson boys."

No response.

I lept at the gorillas, pushing one of them into another, kicking and jabbing each of them. Dom helped, and I heard a satisfying 'pop' and 'crunch' as he dislocated one of their shoulder's and broke another's nose. "Having fun, Leah?" I said to the ginger which was beating up three of the guys at a time, before they lay on the floor.

"Haven't been better." she grinned, before Max aimed a good kick into Matt's spine, making him drop Emily, who soundlessly landed in a roll before standing up smoothly. 

I pushed Matt to the side of the railings, making him choke. "If you try anything like that again, I will batter you." I released him, and him immediately ran. I took out a piece of paper from the satchel (perks of being Leo's friend), and took out my knife, which was currently a pen, and my bow was a small bow charm on my necklace, next to the wolf and Tori's hawk. I clicked the pen once, and it turned into a regular pen, careful not to double-click it.

Dear Cops, or whatever authority figure sees this,

My name's Sylvia Hunter, I'm from South Detroit. These football players tried to sexually harass me and my friends, and we ended up beating them up after they tried to choke our best friend. Sorry, I know this is not what we were supposed to do, but please do not try to make them to talk. The whole story is below:


Sylvia Hunter

I copied down a quick recount of what happened, and then shouted at Max. "You mind deleting the feed?"

"On it, Thea." Max said. "Ready for our next adventure? We need to buy a new pair of glasses for Jason."

"As ready as can be."


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