15: Leah starts panicking (For the First time in forever)

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The four of us were in a panic. Leah had lost her normal cool personality and was fretting, twirling her sword dangerously as she paced the space where Alice had just taken off with the dead Rayn and the surprisingly calm Tom. Dom and I were trying to get through to Reyna by IM but it strangely wasn't working, while Max was muttering to himself about the fastest way to the west without the Labyrinth, and was googling the fastest ways to get to Petrolia. I couldn't believe what I had done. I had killed a demigod in cold blood, yet I felt no shame.

Instead, I felt hunger. Hunger to kill again like that, with an opponent worthy of the might of Athena, Poseidon and Artemis combined. The pride in me died down and was replaced by shallow fear. Alice was angry. Tom was gone. Leah, one of our best fighters, was emotionally unstable. Dom had lost his sarcastic remarks and Max was about to go into a panic attack. And it was all my fault. If I hadn't killed Rayn, even if she challenged me to a duel I couldn't back out of. As in right on cue, Dom took me aside and shook my shoulders. His violet eyes bore into my silver ones, and I looked away. I couldn't stand confrontation.

"Thea." he said softly, and I looked away."Look at me. Look me straight in the eye. It wasn't your fault, okay? Tom's a strong, powerful guy. He'll be okay. We're gonna be alright, okay?"

I finally looked back at him. "You think he'll be okay? He's been captured by a Primordial! The DARKEST Primordial you could get, and he'll be okay?! I know the difference between major and minor gods are gone, but he isn't powerful enough to stand a Primordial. Heck, even Zeus isn't powerful enough, and he's only a son of Dementia! A minor goddess!" he looked at me in shame and I continued to speak, my voice rising. "And it's my fault. ALL my fault! If I hadn't been stabbed by Alice, if I haven't killed Rayn! If I had never been born nothing like this would have happened. This is the cause of the Fates. There has been too much imbalance! Percy and Annabeth was enough, now a child that shared Athena and Poseidon's blood, and Artemis's as well! That would be more than enough to tick them off!"

"Calm down, Thea." Dom started, but I cut him off.

"Don't tell me to calm down, Dom! Can look me in the eye and tell me everything's alright when it's not!? No! Do you know how bad this situation is for me to start panicking? Me, the girl who hardly shed a tear when I was stabbed, and only exploded when her only family member was killed? You always question how I work so well under pressure. It's because my entire life has and is under pressure. There's Percy they expect me to be as powerful as, Annabeth they expect me to be as smart as and Artemis herself they expect me to be as skillful as! And you know what's more? Just because I have a powerful bloodline, they expect me to rise to the top immediately. The campers have no patience, and I'm sick of it." I looked away. "Don't try to comfort me, Dominique. It would never work. We could never work. I have the blood of Zeus and Poseidon, your father is the lieutenant of Hades. The Big Three who's rivalry cannot be competed with."

Dom took in a wistful breath. "Arthella Carter," he said finally. "You killed a Hydra by yourselves. You defeated hundreds of hellhounds to save your sister. You took down the Nemean Lion to protect the mortals, mortals who never cared a thing about you. If I would call someone a heroine, it's you. You don't have to do anything wonderful and special to be a hero. True acts of heroism don't come from your fists or your brain, they come from your heart. Follow your heart, Thea. You'll never stray from the truth with it. Whatever it tells you to do, however crazy, do it. Do you think the Seven just said 'oh look at Percy he just jumped into Tartarus he's so brave! He's a hero!'? No! Percy was a hero because he followed his heart and followed Annabeth into the very depths of Hell. It wasn't his bravery that made him a hero, it was his commitment and loyalty. Be a hero, Thea. Be the hero you already are."

I took in a deep breath and smiled at him. "Okay, let's do this people! We've got a demigod to save, a stupid excuse of a daughter of Ares to beat up and a Primordial Goddess to kick ass. Next stop, San Francisco, Bay Area 22." Dom gave me a wide grin, and even Leah managed a small smiled. Max was already in action, coming up to us with a map in his hand. 

"Guys, good news. The next plane leaves at 14:00, so we've got time for lunch and then we're off to San Fran. When we get there, Leah and I should go and try to find madam Blades and you guys should go find Reyna and work out why your Rainbow messages..."

"Iris Messages." Leah corrected.

"... whatever, aren't working. Then maybe you guys could stock up some weapons? Maybe a spare spear for me and a spare sword for Leah. Maybe even a collapsible shield?"

"You want us to loot the armory?" Dom said, feigning surprise, "sure why not? Frank hates me because I'm so close with Hazel, Reyna is super wary of me, and I've accidentally heavily injured half of their troops in the capture the flag!"

"Is that sarcasm? Because with you, I'm never really sure." Max said.

"Whatever. All he means is we're in, and that is a plan worthy of Athena, who people would constantly mistake as your mom." I said.

"Let's go then! Anyone wants some donuts?"

------ Time Lapse------

As we sat in the airplane, I looked around. Mortals on their headphones. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Leah and Max had decided to go with the most awkward seating plan ever -me and Dom in the front, she and Max at the back, plotting on how to get me and Dom together. That was until Dom decided to tap me. "Gaia to Thea. Gaia to Thea." he waved a hand in front of me.

"What?" I answered annoyed.

"We should get those two plotters together," Dom replied.

"Are you Piper now? Or Leah?" I said. "Since when have you played matchmaker?"

"Seriously! I'm 200% pissed at them with them talking about their OTP Dothella or Dhea or whatever it is."

"It won't work," I answered bluntly. "It's a gruesome love triangle. ONLY a love triangle, not the messed up Percabeth one. Leah likes Tom, Tom hates Max, Max likes Leah."

"Wait, really?"

"Oblivious boys," I grumbled until I heard a voice echo in my head.

You call the child of Death oblivious. I would say, how is a child of Wisdom not oblivious if she thought that she could defeat me. You killed it before, so I'll give you it reborn. Are you ready to be sacrificed at my feet?

I flinched as I looked to see a blur of gold fur running towards me.


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