Letter Exchanges [Noctis] Day 2

Start from the beginning

"Where is that author of these letters anyway?" You questioned to no one in particular, suddenly curious of the location of the young princeling.

"Say boy, what about you and me go on a little adventure." You suggested with enthusiasm, crouching down to the animal's height.

You believed it was yapping repeatedly in agreement, watching it twirl around in circles. Or maybe it was just chasing its tail, but whatever. You sprinted down into the corridor, the miniature dog chasing directly at your soles scurrying along side you. Its keen sense of smell picked up on the slight musky cologne of the prince, exactly like pine trees on a Duscae plateau. It soon overtook your leading position, occasionally tilting its head backwards as it sprinted down the hallway to check if you were keeping up with its speedy pace. God, that pup was so adorable it made you internally squeal with amusement.

Soon enough, its claws raked against the wooden paneled floor, most likely leaving a few scratches in its wake as it made an abrupt stop beside a metal embellished door. Its exquisite letters labeled 'Library.' Library? For once in your life, the prince actually may have surprised you with an unusual hobby of his. You peeked an eye through the slim crack of the partially open door, immediately recognizing the top of his messy jet black hair poking from behind the headrest of a royal blue couch. Your foot tapped the against the bottom of the doorway, supporting your hand against the metallic frigid obstruction sealing the library quarters shut.

Unable to conceal its excitement, Umbra nearly leapt through the doorway yearning for attention from his master, stabbing its claws into the expensive cloth of the couch causing the drowsy ravenette to utter a mantra of curses accidentally at the unusual noise. His mesmerizing blue eyes instinctively recognized the black fur protruding near the floor. He settled the red hardcover novel onto the rectangular table in front of him, scooping the hyper husky into his broad arms.

"Umbra, what are you doing here you little mutt?" Noctis chimed with utter amusement, giving the dog a rough nuggie on its head. It barked happily in response, its auburn eyes glazing towards you in a friendly beckon.

A small smile twitched onto your lips as you leaned against the headrest of the couch, the grinning prince completely oblivious to your presence behind him. His reaction definitely reflected it, nearly throwing the husky off his lap as a petite hand landed on his shoulder.

"God f-n, you scared me. I thought it was my dad or Iggy." He chided, averting his gaze towards his lap where the dog laid on its back, presenting its stomach for a belly rub.

"Won't that mean more quality time with your father then?" You stated with a questioning voice, absent mindedly entangling your slender fingers in the tips of his unruly ebony tresses.

"I guess, but I'm actually relieved that it was you instead. I wanted to talk to you." He stated, inching to his left to allow a few inches of free space for you. You leapt over the headrest onto the empty space, petting the dog's head softly.

"About what?" You asked, maintaining your focus on the pup in bliss as you rubbed its stomach region.

"Letters. Did you get my letter?" He questioned almost with a whiny tone, uncharacteristically unusual for him.

"Y-Yeah. I appreciate the kind message, but aren't we getting a bit old with the letter exchanges? I know you want to keep the habit of writing letters just like to Princess Lunafreya, but isn't it a bit too cliche and less modern?" You confessed with furrowed eyebrows, noticing the unmasked sadness fixed on his handsome features.

"I don't know. It's just a little something I enjoy doing every day for you. Takes my mind off of more important, stressful things." Noctis responded with a deadpan stare, surprising you a little. Usually during these types of conversations, the Lucian prince would constantly poke fun at serious moments to lighten the mood a bit yet this subjected to your past experiences. He seemed like a whole different person with the serious expression he wore. How adorable...

"Call it old fashioned, but I still think its cute when someone writes you a love letter." He mentioned in addition, smugly crossing his arms over his skull motif t-shirt.

"I have to admit, it is still cute. Umbra doesn't seem to dislike the endless journeys from room to room either." You replied with a giddy smile, watching the dog bark repeatedly in agreement.

"Good boy Umbra." The prince secretly whispered inside the dog's perky ears, petting its head softly in appreciation.

"What are you two whispering about now? You males are so mischievous sometimes." You commented, nearly breaking into a series of laughter at the brightening smile Umbra mysteriously flashed with its sharp canines.

"Us bros have to stick together always, right Umbra?" The dog yip yapped in return as Noctis' arm looped around its neck with a snigger.

"You dork." You said bluntly, pecking his pale cheek lightly.

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