Prince Runaway [Noctis] Day 7

Start from the beginning

"H-Hey! Where did you go?"

"I don't know~ Just follow the sound of my voice!" She shrieked, her squeaky voice rebounding into his ears.

A hand was placed against one of the building's wall, feeling his way towards her voice. Fear replaced the confidence in his colorful hues as a pair of gleaming eyes connected with his own sending his heart rate skyrocketing. This was all new. New experiences, new friends, new smells. Yup, that garbage aroma definitely made him gag just a pinch. His breaths became more erratic with each step he took, the cobblestone feeling colder underneath his fingertips. How many minutes have passed since he hasn't heard the young girl's voice beckon for him? He nearly leapt out of his shoes as a petite hand wrapped around his shoulder, trapping his orbs in a comforting trance calming his nerves.

"Hey, don't get so scared. Not too far at this point, why go back?" She murmured genuinely, wrapping her frail arms around his neck seconds later.

His shoulders relaxed at her touch, wrapping his arms shyly around her waist. He's never felt so safe in his life, except beside his father, the king of Lucis. Course, his ability to summon an arsenal with a flick of a finger was awesome to the young boy, it simultaneously frightened the poor child. That just meant more danger since his father's capabilities exceeded those of a mortal. He was the main source of the power of all the magic running through the veins of many, many followers of his. One dead king and all would fall to the Goddess Etro's hands in seconds.

"Up here." His thoughts were broken into fragments of memory, glancing towards the female.

At the moment, her feet dangled from the rooftop of a steel top building, carelessly grinning at the ravenette below her. He stretched his arms over his head, pulling himself beside the h/c girl with an aloof smile in return.

"Well, here's my home. Nothing too expensive, but nothing to unusual anyway." She chimed, displaying her small base with welcomed arms.

Noctis barely registered it as a home itself. Wooden crates were stacked on top of each other in a fort, a square shaped hole wedged into the side. The girl squirmed her way between the wooden obstructions like it was normal, the curious prince following close behind. A lamp was propped beside him, one or two blankets folded in a neat stack beside the only object illuminating the small space.

"Sorry if it's nothing too comfy, Your Highness." His eyes widened at her statement.

"You already knew who I am?"

"Of course silly! Being the prince means a lot of footage and newspaper evident on every aspect of your life." She answered with a snigger, twisting behind to swipe an immense scrapbook into her possession.

She plopped the brown covered booklet between the two of them, flipping to the cover of the first page of her collection.

"See?" She said, pointing towards an old picture taped amazingly neat into it.

A small picture of a newborn Noctis was plastered into the center, another more recent picture taped adjacent to it. Things just went on from there. The girl continuously acted as a commentator every page flip, the prince personally not minding it one bit. It actually shocked him about how much she knew about him, yet he knew little about her. He craved for more information about this mysterious girl.

"I guess introductions are a bit late, but what's your name?"

"f-n, f-n l-n. May our friendship last for eternity." A dirt covered hand outstretched towards him.

His warmer, cleaner fingers curled around hers, grinning softly towards her.

Years Later
"Gladio, I'll be heading out in a few!" The twenty year old heir yelled out from his position, scavenging for his journal with knit eyebrows.

"I hear you! The car's already prepped up for a ride. Better hurry your ass up!" The brute responded, shuffling down the staircase.

"Teenagers these days." He grumbled beneath his breath.

A giddy grin grew continuously over time upon the prince's lips, slipping on his jacket. He flickered his bluish gaze towards the body mirror framed against his door, combing his fingers through his thickened locks. His hairstyle grew into a more noticeable and unique type of asset to his attractive charm, completely separating himself as the prince in a crowd. Not really going to help himself once he leaves the palace, but this situation was far too precious to miss out on. His laced boots strode across the staircase, constantly skipping steps during his descent.

"Calm down. She's not going anywhere."

"I know, it's just that it's been so long since I've seen her." He breathed out with a dreamy sigh, averting his dazed gaze elsewhere.

"Alright then. Let's get going." Gladiolus said, opening the door to the expensive Regalia for him.

He immediately climbed into the backside, brushing back his ebony bangs with his leather clad hand. Soon f-n, soon.

Time Skip
Her e/c eyes darted frequently towards the left and right side of the elongated bridge, keeping her leather gloved hands folded behind her backside. Years of peace passed because of the sacred barrier yet they still gave her the simplest of jobs, Wall Duty. Watching passing cars enter into the crown city, no enemy targets of sort intervening with the tranquil scenery. Clouds embellished the azure sky, the Duscae region scattering over in its lush greenery miles away in the horizon. How stunning.

A familiar car pulled up beside her, the backside windows winding down. Eyes met, sparks flew, unrequited feelings soon became revealed in those matter of seconds. A smirk twitched on her lips, climbing beside the prince without a second glance. Wall Duty could wait. The young puppy love morphed into a situation when neither young adults could ignore their emotions towards another, that was different.

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