Welcome to Los Angeles

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[Italicized dialogue spoken in English]

"Shut up horse boy," Yoongi snapped, pulling the strings on his hoodie.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited!" whisper-shouted J-Hope, who'd been singing Big Bang songs at double speed the entire time we've been in the car.

"It's 5 in the morning and you haven't even had coffee yet," Jin scolded. "Chill."

"At least you guys can nap! I have to drive the freaking car!" Namjoon yelled.

"Guys!" I yelled over Namjoon. "Let's just shut up and listen to the radio."

"Sounds good to me," Yoongi said, adjusting his neck pillow that I got him for Christmas.

"We should play the American radio station, since we're going to LA and all," Jungkook suggested.

"Which one is that?" I asked, turning the channel dial.

"I don't know, just keep turning," Namjoon said, who had the most knowledge of American culture.

I flipped to 97.5. Some weird song in English was playing.


"What is this?" Yoongi asked, disgusted.

"A GUY sings this?" Namjoon glanced repeatedly at the radio screen.

"What!? No way, this is a woman," Jimin said, leaning forward.

"No, Justin is a male name," Jungkook informed us.

"I have officially lost 110% of my respect for American artists," Taehyung whispered to J-Hope, but not quietly. We all laughed.

I turned the dial and stopped on 106.1.

"Yes! Yes!" Namjoon nearly hit the top of the car.

"What are they saying?" I asked. I took English classes in middle school, but after the final exams I couldn't remember anything.


"What?" Taehyung looked at Jin. Jin shrugged.

"Yoona, don't you speak English?"

"English is hard. There's too many pronouns because Americans are too stupid to assume from context."

It was quiet for a while, the only noises being the song on the radio.

"I'm just interested to see what happens when we get off the plane," Jimin said. "Knowing as little about America as I do."


After going through airport security we had some time, so we stopped for food. McDonald's seemed like a fine option, so we got in line.

As we were line, Yoongi rested his sleep-deprived body on mine.

"You remember what happened last time we were at McDonald's?" he asked.

I did. It seemed so long ago: the story of two boys that loved the same girl. The underdog watching helplessly as his contender takes the prize almost too easily.

"Don't remind me," I said with a laugh. "Too much emotional stress."

"Yeah, but it was a good underdog story," Yoongi said. "Taehyung can have any girl he wants. Me on the other hand, not so much."

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