Love is War, a Hormone War

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Rrrrrrrrr put put put.

Rrrrrrrr put put put.

Rrrrrrrr put put put pop.

Well isn't that just wonderful. I went to bed late last night because I completely forgot about a huge Biology project we had due today, and then I woke up late because my alarm clock got unplugged somehow, and now my car won't start. Also, the boys and I have been working all week and we can't come up with any song ideas. The competition is in two and a half weeks, and we need rehearsal time.

I thought Friday's were supposed to be good days.

The Bangtan fan crowd has died down a lot since Monday, but there's the occasional pointing and whispering. The only thing that hasn't died down is the flirting. I swear, all of the boys have at least ten confession this week, and Taehyung was still being stalked by those four girls.

Yoongi, can u come pick me up and take me to school? I texted. My car broke down.

Why don't u ask Taehyung instead? Yoongi replied. I'm sure you'd rather ride with him.

Don't do this Yoongi. Besides, would u trust Taehyung with a car?

Whatever. I'm coming, but I have to pick up Jungkook first.



Yoongi showed up about 15 minutes later. Jungkook was passed out in the backseat, so I took the passenger seat.

"Anneyong (hi)," Yoongi said expressionlessly.

"You forgot eyeliner," I pointed out.

"Huh? Mwo (what)?" Yoongi rolled down the window and looked in the rearview mirror. "Awww, I did. I hate mornings."

"I have eyeliner in my locker," I said. "I'll let you borrow it when we get to school."

"Ok, thanks Yoona," Yoongi said. It was quiet for a few minutes, except for Jungkook snoring in the backseat.

"Yoongi, are you mad at me?" I asked. Yoongi sighed.

"Aneeyo (no)."

"Are you mad at Taehyung?"

"A little." I sighed.

"Yoongi. If you're going to let me get in between you and Taehyung being friends, then I'm going to resign. You and the rest of Bangtan are my best friends, and I couldn't be more thankful, but I'm not going to let you guys break up because of me." Yoongi snickered.

"Yoona, I'm not that stupid. If you like Taehyung, then whatever. I have every right in the world to be disappointed though. I'm not trying to shut you out Yoona, if that's what you think. I'm just trying to forget."

"Well don't forget this: you are one of the most talented rappers that I know. You have more swag than any other person I've ever met, and you make me laugh when I need it most. Even if I'm not your girlfriend, know that I'll always be there for you." Yoongi blushed.


"You're right, you have every right to be sad, mad, whatever. But don't let a stupid hormone war get in the way of your music." Suddenly, Yoongi slammed on the breaks. I screamed, and Jungkook got a pretty rude awakening from his snore-fest in the backseat. The car behind us gave Yoongi a good long honk.

"That's it!" Yoongi yelled.

"What's what? What on earth just happened?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi pulled the car over.

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