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i have no clue what happened yesterday after hayes ran off but i feel sick. i ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. someone was holding back my hair but i didnt know who though. after i finally finished, i flushed the toilet and stood up and saw cameron. i washed my face and hands. 

"you okay?" cameron asked whenever i finished. 

"yeah i probably just have a stomach bug or something" i told him.

"you sure?" he asked.

"im sure cameron" i smiled and gave him a hug.

"well im cooking breakfast for us. its just me and you since nash and sky dont live here anymore" cameron said and walked into the kitchen. i followed him and smelled good food.

he made pancakes, my favorite.

"i love pancakes! thanks cam" i said smiling as he handed me a plate with a pancake on it.

"anything for my lil sister" he smiled fixing himself a plate also.


so claire is sleeping upstairs because hayes just brought her over to my place and its late because they went to dinner. i am still sick though.

for some reason it was super akward between me and hayes today, like even more than it usually is and i dont know why.

i could feel as if i was about to throw up again, this would be the fourth time today.

i ran upstairs to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. this is making me mad. i hate throwing up so much. i groaned.

it was only 7:00 at night so i went back on the couch and watched some tv. as soon as i sat down someone knocked on the door.

"seriously?" i said to myself and got up and headed towards the door.

i opened it and saw cameron and taylor. 

"what are you guys doing here?" i asked them.

"just to see how you because we were bored" taylor said and cameron agreed with him.

"well i was just gonna watch tv when you guys knocked because claires sleeping" i said to them as i let them inside.

"kylie youve been throwing up constantly for a week now pretty much, i think you should go see a doctor" cameron said.

"it hasnt been a week, only a day" i said.

"kylie you started throwing up last tuesday, and today is monday" he said.

"because im not how could this happen and with who oh my god" i said panicking.

"how could what happen? kylie what are you talking about?" taylor asked.

"if ive been just throwing up for almost a week, this happened when i got pregnant with haylie" i said and put my head in my lap.

"well if your pregnant than who is the father?" cameron asked.

"i.. i dont know nor remember being with any boy at all. i need to buy a pregnancy test right now" i said.

"ill go get one for you okay dont worry" taylor said and stood up.

"thank you so much" i said and sat down next to cameron.


"well what does it say?" cameron and taylor said at the same time.

i looked at the stick and it said 'positive' 

how could this be? i dont remember being in bed with no guy.

"positive, but how?" i said to them.

"well figure this out kylie, i think you should get some rest and we will scedule you a appointment to see the doctor tomorrow okay?" cameron said.

"okay, thank you guys" i said and hugged them both before heading to my room and falling into a deep sleep as soon as i hit the bed.

"mommy! wake up uncle cammy said you have to get up" claire said waking me up.

i woke up and grabbed her throwing her on the bed.

she started laughing. "mommy!!" she yelled laughing.

"aw i missed you like crazy" i said snuggling her.

"i miss you too" she said.

"sorry t interupt this sweet momment buut kylie you have to be at the doctors for 10:00 and its 9:00, you might wanna start getting ready" cameron said opening the door.

"okay and you called and asked hayes if he could keep her while im there?" i asked him making sure.

"yes he said it was fine" cameronsaid.

"okay claire mommy has been sick while you were at daddys so im gonna go see a doctor and they are gonna make me all better so while i am there you are going to go to daddys for a little while okay?" i said to claire.

"okay but dont be gone for long time please" she said.

"i wont i promise" i said kissing her cheek.

i got ready and drove to hayes house.

i knocked on the door and he answered.

"thanks for keeping her, i have to go so i wont be late but i shouldnt be no longer than an hour" i said to him.

"okay" he said and i left.

i made it just in time for 10. 

"kylie grier" a lady called. 

i hate when people use that last name because its not mine anymore. i stood up and walked to her.

"its dallas not grier" i told her.

"oh im so sorry, take a seat please" she said pointing to the chairs in the room.

i sat down and she closed the door.

"so ive heard you have been throwing up for a week so you took a pregnancy test that showed up positive is that correct?" she asked me.

"yes ma'am, i just need to verify that i actually am pregnant?" i asked.

"i will run a test and be right back" she said smiling.

she came back a few minutes later. 

"congratulations miss dallas you are pregnant! i need the fathers name please?" she said.

"thats the problem, i dont know who the father is?" i said uneasy.

"thats okay, we can try to run some test and see if we can figure out and if not when the baby is born we will do a dna test with possible people it could be" she said.

"okay thank you" i smiled and headed home.


"hello?" i said answering the phone to whoever was calling me.

"hey kylie its hayes, i just wanted to know do you remember what happened last tuesday?" he asked.

"no what happened?" i asked confused.

"we kinda..did something and didnt use protection. it was a mistake and i just wanted to apologize because it was wrong of me t-" i cut him off.

"hayes im pregnant..." 

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