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AN: hey guys, before i started this chapter i just wanna say thank you so much for reading this book it means alot, your comments and votes as well. ive gotten so far and wouldnt have without you guys! i love you all so much. as sad as this is, this book might be ending soon :( i might make a sequal it just depends. i am starting a new book today!! will you guys read it please? thanks love youuuuu bye!


"i know i got mad at you alot because thats what teenagers do, or i said i hated you or something along those lines, i never meant it ever. i truly loved you no matter what. i promise you that. i could not have been this amazing succesful person i am today without you. you may have done some things and changed last time i saw you when dad came back around and wasnt dead. that didnt mean i stopped loving you i could never do that. you took cameron and ran away and that did break my heart, i thought you hated me and to this day i still think you hate me. although ill never know if you do or not since your not here anymore and i hate that. youre my mommy, youre suppose to be here with me, you were suppose to be helping me pick my wedding dress, you were suppose to be there for me in and out the hospital when haylie d-didnt make it, you were suppose to be here when i turned 20, we planned it and youre not here and wasnt. i really wish everything was how it was before all this happened. i love you so much mommy, i want you here still. its been a year without you a very hard one. i wanna be with you again. here i bought you these red roses your favorite." i said as i was kneeled down next to my mothers grave. today made one whole year since i found out she died.

i slowly and carefully set down the bouqeut of red roses on her grave and blew a small kiss to her. i just sat there in the cold.

it was foggy outside. i just stared at the words written on her gravestone.

"mother of 3"

oh how i missed her, i really do. i was just going to sit here crying and talking to my mom all day, thats alk i needed and wanted to do.

i felt a soft hand touch my shoulder in a comforting way, i looked and saw cameron crying as well. he kneeled down next to me. we were both sitting there.

not saying a word, not looking at each other. we didnt need to.

the only sounds you could hear were the cars passing by, our sobs and the wind.

cameron placed his hand around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. my head just laid on his chest, i could feel his heartbeat.


"you guys guess what today is! its the best day in the entire world!" matt said doing a happy dance in my kitchen as i was cooking dinner.

me and cameron both made eye contact then looked down not saying anything else. we didnt want anyone to know what today was, we didnt want them to worry.

we had kept it good all day, of course we knew they suspected something was up. they didnt bother asking though.

"what day is it matt?" hayes asked laughing along with everyone else except for me and cameron.

"its national dinosaur day!" he smiled. hayes and taylor rolled their eyes and laughed.

"so its national matthew espinosa day?" nash asked.

"oh my god...never thought about it that way. i have my own day this day really is the best day ever." matt said smiling and laughing as did the others.

today will never be the best day ever, it will always be the worst. everybody was starting to notice me and cameron being really quiet again.

cameron walked over where i was standing and just pulled me in a hug. we were both just holding it all together but we both couldnt anymore.

as soon as my hands wrapped around his waist and his around my neck, the tears just fell out both our eyes uncontrollably.

we could care less that the others were still in the room. "i know, i know we can do this." cameron said as he stroked my hair.

"cam, kylie? you guys alright?" matt asked, we seperated from the hug and they were all staring at us and hayes had that worried expression all over his facr.

"hayes, please finish cooking the food so yall can eat. we both just need to be together but alone without anyone else." i said.

"and matt today is not the best day ever, if you werr good friendd you would know what today is and be comforting us and know today is the saddest day ever for us." cameron said upset at them and we walked into my room shutting and locking the door behind us.

hey, im starting a new book, please read it!! it would mean so much if you did.

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