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Idk why I thought of this but idk I'm weird and shit


Title: Asamuku/Deceiver

Characters: some random people idk

Not from anything, mainly just from my imagination.


It was a usual day at her high school, and she was in her fourth period class, computer studies.

A short, deceiving grade 8 girl who was the only A student, and very much finished her work on time, as well as early.

Why deceiving? Well, though she looked innocent, she wasn't.

With quite the sailor mouth that she could barely contain, she frequently talked about many things, such as murder, though she would never do such a thing.

It was probably all the anime and manga that she read and watched that influenced her.

Most kids would probably throw a fit if their parents yelled at them, right?

Well, she didn't.

If her parents ever scolded her, she kept a passive face. Hardly breaking down, only during rare moments, she had become used to it, as it was usually the same thing most of the time.

Oh right, did I say that she would never commit a crime or kill anyone?

Because that all changed.

"Code red. Code red."

Those words suddenly blared out on the loudspeaker, shocking everyone. Teachers quickly got to their senses and ordered students to hide as the shut the lights and closed the blinds, but the girl didn't care.

Everything was silent, and even though her friends were hastily whispering to her to hide, she didn't budge.

Instead, she walked to where the footsteps were, which was just outside of her classroom.

A rugged man wearing all black was holding a gun out, a wicked smile on his face.

"Step away, brat, unless you want to be killed first." he said, staring down at her. In his eyes, she seemed like a harmless, little girl.

Instead, a maniacal smile appeared on the girl's face as her eyes gleamed.

"Why don't I do the honours?" she spoke, and the man was taken aback, until he started to laugh.

"You're a funny one! But you aren't kidding, are you?" he asked, and quickly put the gun to her forehead.

"Why would I? I'm sick of this shithole. I want some fun! Don't you know what I mean?" She asked back, and he lowered the gun.

"Heh, you hold a hard bargain. Haven't seen a person like you before." Digging in his pockets, he produced another gun and placed it in the girl's hand.

"Come along now, we've got some people to haunt." he said, waving his hand as he turned and started to walk out.

"See ya shitheads later!" she crowed, waving to her classmates that were cowering in fear.

However, before the man could take another step outside of the door, there was the sound of a gunshot, and a body falling on the floor.

All was silent as the girl dropped her gun, breathing heavily as she stared at her hands in disbelief.

The teacher carefully crawled out, and flicking the lights on, was shown a terrifying sight.

Blood pooled on the floor as the man lay there, presumably dead.

She had killed him.




Oh, what a deceiver she was.

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