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Based off of Mafumafu's song.

Another collab with Tiffamaeda

I don't have the picture yet but I'll add it in once she sends it to me.

Edit: she finally sent it after like 4 months


Title: Yume no Mata Yume/A Dream within a Dream

From: Yume no Mata Yume

By: Mafumafu


He hated his father.

How dare he? How dare he abandon him at this horrible orphanage and leave him there to rot! He was supposed to be his father and take care of him, but no, that bastard had to be selfish and leave him.

He shouldn't even be called a father.

A boy with wavy black hair wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and some sandals stalked away from the orphanage he was previously residing in. He had never wanted to live there anyways, and was better off without it.

His ungraceful father left him after his mother died, so he was all alone.

He didn't know where his feet were taking him, but he just hoped that it was somewhere safe. As he walked, he spotted a piece of paper on the ground, and when he picked it up, it revealed to be a ticket to a nearby festival.

'Why not?'

Using his ears and his eyes, he had manage to locate where the place was, at a large temple. There were stands of food and games, people wearing their yukata as they happily walked around, chatting and eating.

The boy was envious, so with his stolen ticket in hand, he entered.

At first, he merely walked among the shadows, making sure that he wasn't seen. He didn't want anyone to recognize him and send him back to the orphanage. Looking to the side, he didn't see where he was going and bumped into someone, causing him to fall on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

The voice was of a young girl, about the same age as him, and when he looked up, he could see large hazel eyes staring at him. "You aren't hurt, are you?" she asked, and he quickly shook his head.

"I'm fine." he rasped out, and winced at how his voiced sounded like. He hadn't talked for several weeks, as he wanted to keep a low profile.

Taking the outstretched hand in front of him, he stood up and dusted himself off. "What's your name?" she asked, and the boy looked to see that she had short brown hair and a yellow yukata on.

"I'm -----."

"-----, huh? That's nice. I'm -----."

"Nice to meet you, -----." he said politely, and the girl smiled. 

"It seems like you're alone in the festival, aren't you? Then why don't  you come with me? You'll have lots of fun!" the girl said, and the boy hesitated. Would he be okay with this girl he just met?

"Come one, it'll be fine!" she added, and the boy sighed.


"Great! Let's go get some cotton candy! Maybe some kompeito too..." She looked over to see the boy staring at her in confusion. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to ramble on so much." Grabbing his hand, she tugged him into the festival, where they were led by the wave of people.

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