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Title: Sora/Sky

Pairing: Neji Hyuuga X Reader

From: Naruto Shippuden


An AU where the first words that your soulmate says to you are on your wrist. When you say those words, they glow and disappear.


Name hated the words on her skin, inked there until she and her soulmate had finally met.


It was so plain. Name couldn't tell who it was, for it had no special catchphrase or anything about it. Even with her kekkei genkai, Me no Mirai, she couldn't see who it was. It was just too blurry to see who it was.

Name was part of a special clan, and each member was born with one of six choices. Me o Kakusu, Me o Azamuku, Me o Nusumu, Me o Awaseru, Me o Ubau, and Me o Korasu.* However, Name was a special case. She had gotten Me no Mirai and Me o Gattaisareru.* Me o Mirai had allowed her to see the future of herself and others, and Me o Gattaisareru allowed her to use any eye power she wanted.

She was stuck as a caged bird, being manipulated.

Everyone's eyes turned red when they turned their powers on, making them look like demons. The funny thing was that her clan's name was 悪霊, which is akuryou.

And akuryou meant demon.

Name didn't really like her clan's name, but that was fate. Fate cannot be changed nor reversed.

She just hoped that her first words to her soulmate weren't as plain as his.


Neji sat in the shade of a large tree in the forest, his hitai-ate Iaying next to him on the grass as he stared at the inked words on his wrist. They were quite interesting, to say the least.

"So you're a caged bird as well, aren't you?"

They weren't every day words, and who would ever say that as their introduction to him? If they were also trapped, then chances of finding them had gone down to a bare minimum. Heck, all of the Konoha 11 had already found their soulmates already, and quite a long already, and quite a long time ago already.

Sighing, he let his mind wander, not noticing the approaching chakra signature in front of him.


Name wandered through the forest, enjoying the quiet. She didn't have any missions today, so she was free to do whatever she wanted. She was constantly on missions, due to the fact that she could use any power she wanted. Her clan wasn't really fond of her because she was so overpowered, but they managed.

As she enjoyed the freedom, she noticed that there was a chakra signature in front of he, and as she approached it, she came to a clearing, where there was a man sitting against a large tree as he looked at his wrist. Hiding behind a tree, she tried to get a better look when her foot stepped on a stray branch, causing it to snap.

The man jerked her head toward her, not saying a word as he took out a kunai, placing it in front of him to protect his body. With her hands raised, Name revealed herself, looking him over.

'A Hyuuga... And a branch member no less.' she thought, looking at the cursed seal on his forehead.

"So you're a caged bird as well, aren't you?"


The girl's words rang in his mind.

They were the words of his soulmate.

Even with his calm composure, Neji was freaking on the inside. What if he said the wrong thing? Then he realized something. Fate would never let him down. No matter what he would say, it would always be right. So, he decided to go for a simple response.


As soon as he finished that word, their wrists started to glow, signifying that they were soulmates, and that they had finally met. Looks of shock appeared on their faces as they looked each other over, recognizing each other from past occurrences.

Once when walking through the market, once at the gate, and once at the hospital.

"...So you're my soulmate?" Name carefully said, as Neji grabbed his hitai-ate and stood up. "It seems so. My name is Neji Hyuuga." he said, introducing himself.

"And I'm Name Akuryou. Let's set each other free from our cages, shall we?"


*Me o Kakusu - Concealing Eyes

*Me o Azamuku - Me o Azamuku

*Me o Awaseru - Locking Eyes

*Me o Ubau - Drawing Eyes

*Me o Nusumu - Stealing Eyes

*Me o Korasu - Focusing Eyes

*Me no Mirai - Future Eyes

*Me o Gattaisareru - Combining Eyes

All of these were taken from the Kagerou Project wiki, except for Me no Mirai. Click the link for the information on each power.


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