カゲロウ デイズ

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Another Vocaloid song!


Title: Kagerou Deizu/Heat Haze Daze/Heat Haze Days

Pairing: Hiyori Asahina X Hibiya Amamiya

From: Vocaloid/Mekakushi Actors/Kagerou Project


August 15th, 12:30.

A boy of 13 woke up in his bed, the summer's heat wave hitting him hard. He hadn't even done anything, and he was already sweating so much. Wanting to lie back in bed with the AC on, the sudden buzz from his phone woke him up, and he checked the text that he received.

Hiyori   12:31

remember, park @12:45!

Hibiya   12:31

k. woke up just now so might be late

Hiyori   12:32

kk! ill be waiting. c u!

Hibiya   12:32

c u 2

Turning his phone off, Hibiya got ready and walked to the nearby park. Even with the intense heat, there was still a nice breeze, compensating for the beating sun overhead.

"What a nice day."

Arriving at the park, he saw Hiyori at the swings, petting a black cat. "Hey." Looking over to the source of the voice, she smiled. "Ah, you're here! Have a seat." Hibiysa sat down next to her, and the two began their daily chat. Ever since they met, they had daily talks every week, talking about what happened. they never failed to meet, unless they were informed earlier on.

"Y'know, I really hate summer." Hiyori mumbled, stroking the cat. "You've said that every time we've met here in summer." Hibiya commented, and she giggled. "That's the point!" Laughing, the cat suddenly jumped off Hiyori's lap, running to the crosswalk. "Come back!" she cried out, chasing it. Hibiya quickly jumped up as well, following them.

"Hiyori! The light's red!..."

Hibiya trailed off, his hand mere centimetres from hers when a speeding truck smashed right into her, separating the two. The scent of blood filled the air, the heat suddenly getting stronger. Red sprayed everywhere, on the truck, on the ground, on him, it was unbelievable.

Hiyori's body wasn't Hiyori anymore. It was just a crumpled, disfigured corpse, blood blossoming onto the ground. Hibiya covered his mouth, too sick and shocked for words. Her scream repeated itself in his mind, and Hibiya almost threw up if it weren't for the figure in front of him.

He was clad in black, and looked just like him.

The Heat Haze.

It laughed at the sight, a smile on it's face as their eyes glowed red. "This isn't a lie!" it yelled, walking closer and closer. As those final words rang in his head, Hibiya blacked out.


August 14th, on a particular hot day, a boy shot up from his bed sweat blanketing him. The past events flashed in his mind, the sounds ringing in his ears as is haunted and scarred him. 'What time is it?' he thought frantically, and he looked at the clock across from him.

The House Of Memories (Oneshots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt