Soon, Siemens's body was loaded onto a cot and brought down to the cellar by the three main servants.

I kind of zoned out for most of the conversation afterwards (I thought I saw a kitten out the window (I love kittens)), but Lau asked something that caught my attention: "Forgive my insolence, lord earl, but what were you doing at the time of the murder?"

"Beating me like a dog..." I mumbled so quietly I was sure I was the only one who had heard. But, as I glanced over to see if anyone had, I noticed Earl Grey's wide eyed and worried gaze on me. I snorted slightly to myself.

What the hell am I thinking? The dude's a noble/police officer type person. I'm a criminal/street artist/footman/cross dresser/time traveler all in one. It's an impossible romance. Oh, what would my fathers say? What would our children be like? Our son would be thrown in jail and our daughter would be the one to arrest him in the name of the queen! Sebastian would be their douchey yet awesome godfather in case both of us die in a tragic alligator related car crash! Wait, why am I thinking up weird scenarios?! DAMN TEENAGE HORMONE DRIVEN BRAIN! SHUT UP! I HATE YOU! Sigh, the paint fumes are finally starting to get to me, aren't they?

By the time I had mentally returned to the conversation, Lau had suggested they lock Ciel up with another person (in case he was the 'murderer' and so he wouldn't run away), and the professor had been picked by default (he was in deep thinking mode like I was, but his thoughts were probably like: 'did mother remember to take her pills today?' or 'am I really in my twenties and still living with my mom?' Yeah, totally...)

"Then we will break up for the night." Ciel stated. "Sebastian, show everyone to their rooms."

"Yes, my lord." He turned to all the guests. "Now then, I shall take you to your rooms, ladies and gentlemen. If you will kindly follow me this way..."





My eyes flew wide and I gasped as I was woken up. Blindly, I grabbed a can of paint from my bedside table and held it up protectively in front of myself, ready to spray the eyes of my possible attacker.... Sunset orange!

"Morgan." The voice said again. "It is only I."

I felt a gentle hand touch my shoulder and my eyes adjusted to the darkness enough to see that it was Sebastian who had woken me. I sighed exasperatedly as I collapsed back into my covers.

"Wuddya want Sebastian?" I grumbled as I reset my spray paint on the table. I looked at my wristwatch. "It's three in the morning. I actually made an effort to go to bed early tonight."

He chuckled slightly. "I wanted to ask a favor of you."

I cracked on eye open and raised an eyebrow. "A favor? At three in the morning? Sebastian. Sweetheart. I consider you a friend, so lets just stay at that level, ok? We're just friends."

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Not that sort of favor, you nitwit."

"If you wanted to name my future kids, you're already too late. But I am willing to let you be their godfather in case Earl Grey and I end up in a horrible alligator related car crash!"

He just stared at me like I was crazy. "Are you mentally insane?" Close enough. "What are you even talking about? You want to have children with Earl Grey of all people?"

I shrugged. "So I think he's cute. There ain't nothin wrong with that. Oh, and is that a yes to the godfather thing?"

He sighed exasperatedly and slid his hand down his face. "Fine, fine. Whatever. Just listen to me."

The aura around him suddenly grew darker and the room began to feel smaller slightly. "I want you to protect the young master." His tone of voice was completely serious. I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? After what that little shit did to me? Man, I'm gonna have these bruises for days! The only reason I haven't left yet is because of the storm and the fact that you're my friend! And where will you be, huh? Gonna take an unauthorized vacation from this little freak show the brat's got runnin'?"

"Please," he whispered. "I understand you feel negatively towards our master, but I am trusting you to keep him safe. Please?"

I glared at him for a few seconds before finally caving in.

"Fine!" I exclaimed as I collapsed back into the covers. "I'll protect the little brat. But ONLY because you're gonna be the godfather of my future kids. Got it?"

He smiled slightly and nodded. "Thank you, Morgan."

I waved him off and grumbled. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever..."

I heard his footsteps fade slightly and the door to the room open. My nose twitched and the sudden scent of blood filled my senses. I hadn't noticed it before above the remaining paint smells.

"Hey, Sebastian." I called.


"Why do you smell like blood?"

"I... accidentally cut myself preparing for tomorrow's breakfast."

"Oh. Ok... Be careful."

"I will... Thank you Morgan."

"No problem."

I yawned and fell back to sleep as the door closed behind him.

Paint Me Black and Leave Me AloneWhere stories live. Discover now