Chapter 25. Snowy Forest

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"Here?" I asked, "Where exactly is 'here'?" I coughed.

"Oh, silly. We're going to walk for several minutes to reach the farm." She smiled.

"But it's snowing!" I protested.

"We can't exactly drive our way there, the car won't fit in the narrow path, it's full of trees . . ." She grabbed her bag and opened the door beside her. "Let's go."

I wore my backpack with a sigh and left the car. Robert made sure he had the keys and their things before locking all the car doors. Sheesh, the three of them all had two big bags each, isn't that overpacking?

Whatever, it's not like I'm carrying it anyway.

"Okay, come on." Uncle Robert said as he lead the way, I noticed the path we're walking on looks like it's been walked on before. That's a relief, it means there's actually people who've been here before.

A couple of minutes after walking in the snow, I noticed how Billy was struggling with the bags he's carrying. Wimp.

"Let me carry that." I offered while walking closer to him.

"I don't need help." He spat.

"Uh . . . Yeah, you do." I nonchalantly replied, ignoring my throat ache. I forcibly took the bag from him but as soon as I took the bag, I immediately fell down in the snow with it. Gosh, it's really heavy!

I noticed Billy covering up a laugh, I rolled my eyes as I stood up. I gathered my strength and carried the bag with a huff. He scoffed and walked ahead of me.

I hate that kid . . .

I trudged in the snow and caught up with them. I took a good look around, Yep, it's amazing. It's like a scene straight out of a book, the whole forest floor was white because of the snow as the sun rays shone from the tiny spaces between each leaves of the tall spruce trees though I haven't seen any signs of animals or anything . . . must be because of the season.

Minutes later, we came across a cabin house, it's bigger than the ones I saw in the town. All of us hurriedly walked on the cute little porch and dropped the bags.
As they were knocking, I rubbed my hands to get a bit warmer, I can see my breath in the air.

The door opened, revealing a man and woman that looks like they were in their 50's. They each had warm smiles on their faces though I couldn't help but feel nervous again, I'm not fond of socializing with people very much . . .

"Barbara, darling!" The old lady grinned as she hugged Mrs. Johnson tightly, the old man wrapped his long skinny arms around them as we entered the place. They let go of each other and shut the door closed, I noticed a nice toasty fire in the chimney. Now that you mention it, this place looks nice, there was a wooden stairs and a few doorways leading to unknown rooms. This house looks bigger on the inside.

"Are you taking good care of my daughter, lad?" The old man patted Robert as he chuckled. I waited in front of the door as they all had their little greetings with each other, awkward...

"Ooh, who's this?" The old lady turned to look at me. Mrs. Johnson walked up behind me.

"This is Marika, she's our neighbor's daughter and under certain circumstances, we have to take care of her until her parents have a stable schedule." She patted my head.

"Why, did something happened?" The grandfather asked.

"Long story." Mrs. Johnson replied. "Now, Marika, this is my father, Benjamin and my mother, Rosanne." She gestured.

The couple greeted me with smiles, I awkwardly smiled, not knowing how to respond. To my surprise, the lady-Rosanne, came forth and hugged me just like how she did with Mrs. Johnson.

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