Chapter 2: I Remember, Do You Remember?

Start from the beginning

"Well they seem to think so." He shrugged and I looked over at him with wide eyes. "Where you at a party?" I looked down at my clothes which was skinny jeans and a white tank.

"Yes-does it matter?" I ask and he shook his head.

"You look nice." I thanked him and grabbed the remote turning on the TV.

"If you are just tuning in this is a breaking news report, Cody Simpson famous criminal has escaped Emerson Mental Institution for the Criminally Insane. Police have said that he his armed with a guards hand gun. If you see him you are to immediately contact LAPD, Beverly Hills PD, or local Police department. He is 6'1, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and has been missing for three days."

"Three days!?" I turned around to look at him.

"I'm surprised your parents haven't told you to watch out," he says walking over to me, he watched me as I didn't step back and he stood beside me looking at me for a minute before turning to the TV which was now turned to the regular broadcast, The Vampire Diaries.

"I was on a road trip to Santa Monica with my friends." I say quietly and he smiled to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"You'd look hot in a bikini." He stated as he stared at the TV for a while like he hadn't seen a TV in forever. Surely he still had that TV in his room, or did they take that away to. As if he was reading my mind he answered my question, keeping his gaze on the TV. "Your parents took the televisions away from us after Tommy broke his in his room. He got pissed at his guard because his nurse was late to give him his pills so he threw his TV. Your parents thought if Tommy did that we could so they suspended or TV use. I fought Tommy the day after."

"Why?" I ask. He looked over at me, up and down.

"It was my only tie to you." I looked at him confused and he chucked. "Oh course you don't remember."

(Cody's Pov)

How could she forget? She brought it from her house and we watched it over and over until she fell asleep in my arms. It was Finding Dory. A movie that I groaned at for its childness, but watching her watch it made me realize that Hayley still had a child-like attitude. We all did.

"You brought Finding Dory for us to watch. We watched it all night until you fell asleep. I watched it a lot before your parents took it away. I mean you weren't exactly visiting." I say.

"Why'd you do it?" She asked in a soft voice ignoring me. "Break out?"

"I don't know," I shrug, "Why do I do anything for you anymore?"

"Cody-" I sigh.

"I guess it's because you left, like everyone else. Plus, I loved you. I didn't want to loose you, I couldn't handle myself if I lost you. Don't you remember what I told you before your parents where jackasses and decided you where going to College?" I ask and she shook her head timidly.

"I don't remember." I should've know, she forgot about me.

"It was the day I told you I loved you, but I didn't say those three words directly. I said that when your with me I don't fuck up"

"But you did really good, you almost got out."

"But I didn't, Don't you remember that day I left the court?"

(Hayley's Pov)

"I remember." I watched at the top of the court house as my brother had pulled Cody down the steps, cameras flashing in his face. He was put in the back of a police transport van and his lawyer climbed in with him. "You didn't look up at me once."

"I did! You weren't there. I thought you didn't want me anymore."

"I went to your trial." I told him.

"It sounded like you were testifying against me. You said you'd visit afterwards. Guess who sat in the common room for hours and argued with Josh saying that you'd come. I looked like a fucking idiot."

"I'm busy, I have college, I have a job." I say with a scoff.

"You could've taken off."

"It's not that easy- you don't understand!" I said sitting on my couch.

"Can I stay here?" He asked out of the blue.

"You want me to hide you?" I asked looking up at him. He thought a moment then nodded. "No." I said

"Hayley come on, it's only for a couple days."

"Do you not give a damn that the police are looking for you? Your a criminal Cody! I man you weren't before but, now you are! They know we had a relationship and I live two doors door from a Beverly Hills cop!"

"Hayley please, I'll stay out of toruble."

"Cody.." I groaned rubbing my face.

"You don't have to, I can go back out in the rain, find a forest area, lay on the ground-"

"Okay fine, just for a little bit. I'll go to my brother and get some clothes so you can shower."

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile and left, using my key to Elijah's and grabbing all necessities. After I showed Cody how to use the shower, and gave him privacy.

"Give me your uniform after you shower. I'll burn it." I say. "Are you hungry?"

"It's almost 2a.m." He said.

"Are you hungry?" I asked again and he nodded rolling his uniform down to his low hips. I turned and closed the door taking a breath after seeing his heavenly body. I fixed him a small dinner, nothing fancy being I was tired and I had college tomorrow. It was left overs, hamburgers and mashed potatoes. I watched from the kitchen as he shook out his hair with his hands and sat on the couch sighing with relief. I walked in with a plate an ketchup in my other hand.

"I don't eat mustard, so is ketchup okay?" I ask and he nodded.

"Is my couch better than Emerson's?"

"Anything is better than that shit hole." He says, I set his plate in front of him. In a blink of an eyes his lips where on mine. I was shocked, but my hands found thier way to rest on his chest, feeling his heartbeat through his shirt-his heartbeat calmed me, and I slowly moved my lips against his. His big hands cupped my face, as mine wrapped around his neck before twirling the end of his hair around my fingers.

Our lips moved perfectly together just as they did before. He gripped my waist pulling me into his lap as my hands moved to rest on his cheeks. His hands lifted my shirt a bit to touch my bare skin which caused my stomach to flip, and goosebumps appear on my skin. I felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip, asking for an entrance which I granted.

Did I ever date anyone in college? Almost. Did I make out with other guys? Hell yeah, mostly guys that usually got mad if you would sleep with them. That's how I met my really good friend Anthony. I quickly learned that if they got mad to just walk away even when they where still yelling at you. His tongue explored my mouth and mine did his. The kiss slowed and I pulled away, breaking it.

"I could kiss you all day." He breathed out with a smile as cheeks heated up.



Insane (A Cody Simpson FanFiction) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now