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One year later...

Regine Iman Thomas

"Oh my god move!" I yelled at Remi. I hated dogs and JoVaughn knew so why he chose to get one was beyond my knowledge. I guess my yelling scared him because he hopped off of my lap and ran off somewhere else.

"He likes you" Nicole grinned as she walked out of the kitchen with a plate of food in her hands.

"Who told you to eat my food?" I frowned at her. Joey and I had just moved into our first place together a few weeks ago. It was a nice two bedroom condo. I told Nicole to make herself comfortable, but not that comfortable.

"Oh quiet down. You'll live" she mumbled with a mouth full of food. She sat down next to me on the couch. "Dude I am so freaking happy that my mom has Lori" Nicole sighed. Lori was her and Denzel's daughter. Around the same time he made a full recovery from his injuries, Nicole gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

"You can finally have a break" I chuckled watching Remi roam the living room.

"You look like you want to kill him" Nicole cracked up.

"I want to throw him out but Joey would skin me alive."

"He loves you too much to kill you."

I looked at her. "Are you trying persuade me to get rid of the dog?"

"Hell no. I'm just saying" she bit into a chicken wing. "So when am I getting grandkids?" Nicole asked.

"One, you are not my mother. Two, i'm only twenty. I'm not pushing out any children. No thanks."

"You guys use condoms?"

"Nicole why is my sex life so interesting to you?"

"Sorry, its exciting and I think its funny when you get uncomfortable."

I squinted at her. "You should leave after you're done."

"Nope. Not leaving til JoVaughn gets here. Where is he anyway?"

"He's teaching a drawing class." I let her know. Hopefully he'd be home soon. I could only tolerate Nicole for so long. I loved her, but she was annoying.

"Oh" she mumbled and stayed quiet paying attention to what was on tv.

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