A/N: fam did any of yall notice that I named the last chapter 28? Lmao. I had to fix it😭😭😭 yall might hate me for a few more chapters cuz... :(
*unedited*JoVaughn Virginie Scott
I knew I fucked up, but my pride was in the way.
I knew Regine wouldn't hurt me, but my pride was in the way.
I was just so messsed up by what happened with Denzel, that I felt like I couldnt trust her either. I've spent the past week and a half trying to convince myself of the negative and not the postive so I didnt feel as bad.
I was in denial. Trying to convince myself that Reggie was in the wrong. I was being stupid as fuck. But I finally came to terms with the fact that I was in the wrong.
Now the issue was apologizing to her and getting her back, which I knew would probably take some time.
I was currently working on a commision piece. My art has finally started to pay off to the point where I could afford my own apartment. Which I was thankful for.
The sound of my phone ringing broke me away from what I was doing. I paused trying to figure out who would be calling me. Regine hadnt called me in a few days so I was guessing that she gave up on trying to contact me.
Or maybe she didnt.
I answered the phone without looking. If I looked and it was her, I probably would have chickened out and ignored the call.
"Hello?" I said.
"JoVaughn! Please dont hang up its super important!" I heard Nic's voice come through the phone. I hadnt spoken to her or Denzel since I left their house that day. And I wasnt planning on doing it anytime soon either, but I guess it was too late for that plan now.
"What?" I mumbled uninterested in what she had to say.
"Go check on Reggie PLEASE. I would but I have class and i'm really scared for her" Nicole said.
I furrowed my eyebrows. Reggie couldnt possibly be that fucked up over me breaking up with her. She knew I couldnt stay away from her even if I tried. "Whats wrong with her?"
"She'll tell you. I gotta go. Just please go make sure babygirl is okay."
Nicole hung up. I sucked my teeth and slid on my shoes. I then grabbed my keys and headed out to Reggie's house.
When I got there my heart started pounding like crazy. I was nervous. Mainly because I knew it was time for me to suck up my pride and apologize. I had never had to put aside my pride and really express myself to a girl.
But I loved Reggie to the core and I would honestly beg her for forgiveness if it came down to it.
I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. After a good minute or so, the locks finally started to turn. The door opened and I came face to face with a half dead Regine. I could tell she wasnt all the way there.
Her eyes were red. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. Her hair was up in a puff thing on top of her head but she didnt look like she had done anything to it in a while. She was dressed in a large tshirt and some sweats that I recognized as my own. I walked in after her making sure to close the door behind me. We stood awkwardly in the living room. She wasnt looking at me. She was looking down at my shoes.
"If you came here to pretend you care about me, I dont want it. You can leave" she mumbled. For the first time, she looked me in the eyes. I saw pain.
I caused it.
"I'm not here to pretend anything. Everything I feel for you is real. Remember that" I said back to her.
She shook her head no like she didnt believe me. Her eyes began to water.
"You left me" she croaked out. I hated seeing her cry.
"I was upset. I was being stupid. I'm sorry" I told her.
"You dont really care. You wouldnt have left me in the first place if you cared" she cried. I sighed and walked over to try and pull her into a hug. She stepped back and pushed me away. It really hurt my feelings but I brushed it off.
"Reggie I do care about you. I was just pissed. I aint even really hear you out. I apologize."
She was still crying and sniffling. I felt like the worst guy on earth. I had managed to hurt the girl I loved two times. I was lucky she was even giving me the chance to apologize.
"Talk to me."
"I dont think I wanna talk to you for a while" she mumbled in between tears.
That statement alone fucked me up.
"What? Why not?" I asked getting slightly upset. I wasnt upset with her, more so upset at myself for leading us to this point.
She took a deep breath and answered,"I never had anyone love me. My family never told me they loved me. I always wanted that" she started.
"My mom never even told me she loved me. I never heard it from her. Now she's dead and I wont ever get to hear it. You were the only person I heard it from and you just left me over nothing. I was just trying to help you" she was crying even harder.
My eyes got big. I felt like shit. I was ignoring the fuck out of her and her mother had passed away. Thats what Nic meant by she was scared for Reggie.
I knew exactly what it felt like to lose your mother. I knew exactly how she was feeling. Knowing how she was feeling only made me feel like more of an aint shit person.
I ignored my girl over some petty shit. Meanwhile, her mother was dying. Her mother was dead...and I wasnt even around to help her through it.
I tried to grab her but she kept pulling away. "Regine you know I love you. I'm so fucking sorry" I tried to plead with her.
"I dont want to see you or talk to you for a while" she sat on the arm of the couch and said.
"You dont mean that" I chuckled. She looked up at me. When her eyes locked on mine, I knew she meant it.
"I dont want to talk to you JoVaughn. Leave" she repeated. I stared at her for confirmation.
"How long?" I asked her. I needed to know.
She sniffled and shrugged.
"Tell me you wont give up on me. On us" I said to her. I needed to hear that from her.
"Tell me you still love me Reggie" I looked her in the eyes. She held the eye contact but didnt say anything. She just looked away. I felt my heart break in two. She couldnt be serious.....
"Reggie..." She didnt say anything.
I felt like the biggest piece of shit
...but I deserved it.
So I left.